So is Anglican worth it? (2024)



54 Badges

Nov 13, 2014
  • So is Anglican worth it? (2)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (3)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (4)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (5)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (6)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (7)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (8)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (9)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (10)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (11)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (12)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (13)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (14)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (15)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (16)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (17)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (18)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (19)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (20)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (21)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (22)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (23)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (24)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (25)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (26)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (27)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (28)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (29)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (30)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (31)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (32)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (33)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (34)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (35)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (36)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (37)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (38)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (39)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (40)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (41)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (42)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (43)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (44)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (45)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (46)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (47)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (48)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (49)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (50)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (51)
  • Mar 23, 2018
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  • #1

I'd thought I'd go for Anglican for my England run, just to see how it fares in practise, but the Reformation hit and... Protestant is so damned juicy and I have to wait 15 years as boring old Catholic to get the event (if I understand it correctly). You people have surely tried it by now, is it as meh as it looks?

If Anglican Church Power works the same as Protestant, it means with regular intervals one gets stability, a bunch of cash or some mercantilism (I consider the consort options to be extremely situational). The discount to development is okay I suppose, and probably the Innovativeness gain will mean that mechanic might actually do something towards the mid-game. Also nice that you don't tank your Prestige on conversion.

It does seem like Protestant just does more stuff, and with the great flexibility that you can always swap in the bonus you need at any given time. What do you think?


Field Marshal

61 Badges

Apr 13, 2016
  • So is Anglican worth it? (53)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (54)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (55)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (56)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (57)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (58)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (59)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (60)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (61)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (62)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (63)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (64)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (65)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (66)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (67)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (68)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (69)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (70)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (71)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (72)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (73)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (74)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (75)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (76)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (77)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (78)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (79)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (80)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (81)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (82)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (83)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (84)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (85)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (86)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (87)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (88)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (89)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (90)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (91)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (92)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (93)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (94)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (95)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (96)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (97)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (98)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (99)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (100)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (101)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (102)
  • Mar 23, 2018
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  • #2

Yes it is meh, but very funny for RP, and almost mandatory to get Chop Chop, so you might as well give it a go.
You can get 1 stab, worth noting, many people only talk about the other bonuses.


Field Marshal

65 Badges

Apr 17, 2017
  • So is Anglican worth it? (104)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (105)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (106)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (107)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (108)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (109)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (110)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (111)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (112)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (113)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (114)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (115)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (116)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (117)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (118)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (119)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (120)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (121)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (122)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (123)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (124)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (125)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (126)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (127)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (128)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (129)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (130)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (131)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (132)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (133)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (134)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (135)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (136)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (137)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (138)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (139)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (140)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (141)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (142)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (143)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (144)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (145)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (146)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (147)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (148)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (149)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (150)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (151)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (152)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (153)
  • Mar 23, 2018
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  • #3

it doesnt work like protestant.
it lets you do instant decisions for 100 (only 1 of them cost 200) church power
divorce, marriage local noble, money, stabilty(200) and merchantalism
innovatines is not only gained by early tech but with anything
%10 devolpment discount and bonus innovatines helped me a lot in my gameplay
also being only member of a christian group and being defender of faith is huge advantage
not even gonna mention you can "deus vult" everyone if you desire So is Anglican worth it? (154)



Field Marshal

86 Badges

Nov 29, 2014
  • So is Anglican worth it? (155)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (156)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (157)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (158)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (159)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (160)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (161)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (162)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (163)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (164)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (165)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (166)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (167)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (168)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (169)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (170)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (171)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (172)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (173)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (174)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (175)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (176)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (177)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (178)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (179)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (180)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (181)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (182)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (183)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (184)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (185)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (186)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (187)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (188)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (189)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (190)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (191)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (192)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (193)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (194)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (195)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (196)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (197)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (198)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (199)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (200)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (201)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (202)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (203)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (204)
  • Mar 23, 2018
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  • #4

It looks like Anglicanism exists mostly to get its related achievements. It has no combat bonuses. It can give mercantilism and stability, which you can get as Catholic. Also as England you'll likely have a lot of mercantilism to begin with, since you start with 25% and can get an easy 10% from the staple port decision, and possibly extra through parliament debates. Extra cash is nice but you'll have a lot of power in the Channel node. Swapping around consorts typically isn't necessary.

The lower dev costs and extra innovativeness leads me to think the whole religion is for tall play England/GB or a colonial game that doesn't mess around with mainland Europe much. Since it's easy to get a Force Union CB over France, I don't see why you'd go tall, but whatever.


Field Marshal

61 Badges

Apr 13, 2016
  • So is Anglican worth it? (206)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (207)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (208)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (209)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (210)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (211)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (212)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (213)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (214)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (215)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (216)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (217)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (218)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (219)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (220)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (221)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (222)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (223)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (224)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (225)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (226)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (227)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (228)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (229)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (230)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (231)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (232)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (233)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (234)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (235)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (236)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (237)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (238)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (239)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (240)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (241)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (242)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (243)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (244)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (245)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (246)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (247)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (248)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (249)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (250)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (251)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (252)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (253)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (254)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (255)
  • Mar 23, 2018
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  • #5

The extra cash is quite low. I don't know on what it's based, but it felt small in my game. Not even the burghers interaction, nowhere near the debase for free every 5 years with Muslim nations.
The rest... Mercantilism is harming you more than anything if you play colonial and can easily monopolize trade. Dev cost is a bit meh, also it's 10% while Protestantism has 5%. Innovativeness is not bad, but not really good either. Consort shenanigans are only for the lol. Stab is always good, but England can afford high level advisors so they'll likely always have stab, and catholicism and orthodoxy also have it.


Field Marshal

65 Badges

Apr 17, 2017
  • So is Anglican worth it? (257)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (258)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (259)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (260)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (261)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (262)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (263)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (264)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (265)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (266)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (267)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (268)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (269)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (270)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (271)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (272)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (273)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (274)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (275)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (276)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (277)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (278)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (279)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (280)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (281)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (282)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (283)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (284)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (285)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (286)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (287)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (288)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (289)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (290)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (291)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (292)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (293)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (294)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (295)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (296)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (297)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (298)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (299)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (300)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (301)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (302)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (303)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (304)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (305)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (306)
  • Mar 23, 2018
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  • #6

should I remind you your colonies become anglican and they also get discount at devolpment cost discount
by the way
Does it mean anything? So is Anglican worth it? (307)


Second Lieutenant

29 Badges

Mar 2, 2015
  • So is Anglican worth it? (309)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (310)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (311)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (312)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (313)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (314)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (315)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (316)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (317)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (318)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (319)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (320)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (321)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (322)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (323)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (324)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (325)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (326)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (327)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (328)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (329)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (330)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (331)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (332)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (333)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (334)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (335)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (336)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (337)
  • Mar 24, 2018
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  • #7

Sfan said:

Consort shenanigans are only for the lol.

Consorts with certain personalities cause positive events.


Field Marshal

49 Badges

Dec 3, 2015
  • So is Anglican worth it? (339)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (340)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (341)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (342)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (343)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (344)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (345)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (346)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (347)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (348)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (349)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (350)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (351)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (352)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (353)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (354)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (355)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (356)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (357)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (358)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (359)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (360)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (361)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (362)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (363)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (364)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (365)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (366)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (367)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (368)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (369)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (370)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (371)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (372)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (373)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (374)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (375)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (376)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (377)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (378)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (379)
  • So is Anglican worth it? (380)
  • Mar 24, 2018
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  • #8

Imo it's only worth it to take it when you play a tallish game. In my current island empire of Mann I restrict my self by only take the islands with few a exceptions and take some weird as ideas like maritime, naval and eco. And I must say with eco you can really push down the cost. The lowest I got was 7 mp for an increase. Might get even lower if I've higher innovative and some policies


Jul 24, 2015
    • Mar 24, 2018
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    • #9

    I dont think it is worth it. None of bonuses speak to me. Stability is nice, but you can have only 3.
    Maybe if there was "Support the King" for legitimacy or similar that would be something.
    Generally i could make better mix of Protestant.
    Or if heir stats was somehow related to consort.

    Last edited:



    Field Marshal
    Jan 20, 2016
      • Mar 24, 2018
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      • #10

      It's basically a stability machine like Catholic except Europe hates you and you can holy war Europe. Kind of meh, consorts needs to do something useful like improve heir stats during their childhood or something.

      Funny enough the two main religious bonuses conflict heavily. If you want to take advantage of +50% innovativeness you'll be rushing techs with your excess MP... which means you have no excess MP to spend on development.



      109 Badges

      Jul 18, 2011
      • So is Anglican worth it? (383)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (384)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (385)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (386)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (387)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (388)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (389)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (390)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (391)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (392)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (393)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (394)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (395)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (396)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (397)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (398)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (399)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (400)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (401)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (402)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (403)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (404)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (405)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (406)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (407)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (408)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (409)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (410)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (411)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (412)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (413)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (414)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (415)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (416)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (417)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (418)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (419)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (420)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (421)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (422)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (423)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (424)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (425)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (426)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (427)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (428)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (429)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (430)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (431)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (432)
      • Mar 24, 2018
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      • #11

      Maybe they should've simply added unique English/British aspects for Protestantism instead of making a whole new religion.


      Lt. General

      81 Badges

      Oct 16, 2014
      • So is Anglican worth it? (434)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (435)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (436)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (437)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (438)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (439)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (440)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (441)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (442)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (443)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (444)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (445)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (446)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (447)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (448)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (449)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (450)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (451)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (452)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (453)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (454)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (455)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (456)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (457)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (458)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (459)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (460)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (461)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (462)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (463)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (464)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (465)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (466)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (467)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (468)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (469)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (470)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (471)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (472)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (473)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (474)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (475)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (476)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (477)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (478)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (479)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (480)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (481)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (482)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (483)
      • Mar 24, 2018
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      • #12

      makaramus said:

      it doesnt work like protestant.
      it lets you do instant decisions for 100 (only 1 of them cost 200) church power
      divorce, marriage local noble, money, stabilty(200) and merchantalism
      innovatines is not only gained by early tech but with anything
      %10 devolpment discount and bonus innovatines helped me a lot in my gameplay
      also being only member of a christian group and being defender of faith is huge advantage
      not even gonna mention you can "deus vult" everyone if you desire So is Anglican worth it? (484)

      This is a good summary.

      But it still feels like it needs a few more bonuses/options to synergize with England/GB's role in the world as a colonial / naval power.


      Field Marshal

      65 Badges

      Apr 17, 2017
      • So is Anglican worth it? (486)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (487)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (488)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (489)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (490)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (491)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (492)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (493)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (494)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (495)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (496)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (497)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (498)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (499)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (500)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (501)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (502)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (503)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (504)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (505)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (506)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (507)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (508)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (509)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (510)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (511)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (512)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (513)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (514)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (515)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (516)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (517)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (518)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (519)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (520)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (521)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (522)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (523)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (524)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (525)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (526)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (527)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (528)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (529)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (530)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (531)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (532)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (533)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (534)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (535)
      • Mar 24, 2018
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      • #13

      Snake_Squeezins said:

      This is a good summary.

      But it still feels like it needs a few more bonuses/options to synergize with England/GB's role in the world as a colonial / naval power.

      Well my summery didnt include word of "its great" just pointed out its diffrences So is Anglican worth it? (536) So is Anglican worth it? (537)
      And someting I want to add there since your colonies are sharing same religion they may devolp themself for cheaper too So is Anglican worth it? (538)



      30 Badges

      Nov 24, 2013
      • So is Anglican worth it? (540)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (541)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (542)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (543)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (544)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (545)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (546)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (547)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (548)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (549)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (550)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (551)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (552)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (553)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (554)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (555)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (556)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (557)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (558)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (559)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (560)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (561)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (562)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (563)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (564)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (565)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (566)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (567)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (568)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (569)
      • Mar 24, 2018
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      • #14


      Field Marshal

      61 Badges

      Apr 13, 2016
      • So is Anglican worth it? (571)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (572)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (573)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (574)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (575)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (576)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (577)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (578)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (579)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (580)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (581)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (582)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (583)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (584)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (585)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (586)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (587)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (588)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (589)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (590)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (591)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (592)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (593)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (594)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (595)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (596)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (597)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (598)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (599)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (600)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (601)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (602)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (603)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (604)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (605)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (606)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (607)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (608)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (609)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (610)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (611)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (612)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (613)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (614)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (615)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (616)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (617)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (618)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (619)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (620)
      • Mar 24, 2018
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      • #15

      That's a very funny achievement where you need to get 6 consorts with one ruler. Off with their head!



      77 Badges

      Jul 22, 2015
      • So is Anglican worth it? (622)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (623)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (624)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (625)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (626)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (627)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (628)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (629)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (630)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (631)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (632)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (633)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (634)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (635)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (636)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (637)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (638)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (639)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (640)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (641)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (642)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (643)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (644)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (645)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (646)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (647)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (648)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (649)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (650)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (651)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (652)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (653)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (654)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (655)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (656)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (657)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (658)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (659)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (660)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (661)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (662)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (663)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (664)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (665)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (666)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (667)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (668)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (669)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (670)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (671)
      • Mar 24, 2018
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      • #16

      The thing about Anglican is that every bonus except for the marriage stuff is covered by other Christian faiths. The cash is not that great. The stab is good but you can get it as Catholic. And as a religion that is supposed to spawn only for British nations, which are usually colonizers, it oddly lacks settler increases, which is both present for Protestant and Catholic (in the form of treaty of Tordesillas).

      I took it for my England run just to see what I can get from it, and I'm not impressed.



      52 Badges

      Apr 17, 2015
      • So is Anglican worth it? (673)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (674)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (675)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (676)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (677)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (678)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (679)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (680)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (681)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (682)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (683)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (684)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (685)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (686)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (687)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (688)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (689)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (690)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (691)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (692)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (693)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (694)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (695)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (696)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (697)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (698)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (699)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (700)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (701)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (702)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (703)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (704)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (705)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (706)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (707)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (708)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (709)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (710)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (711)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (712)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (713)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (714)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (715)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (716)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (717)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (718)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (719)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (720)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (721)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (722)
      • Mar 24, 2018
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      • #17

      Well, I thought I'd give it a go, but didn't read the packet properly. Didn't realize it was a whole new religion, thought it was just an automatically applied, British flavour of Protestantism. So the 15 years I'd spent using my two protestant CoRs (in effect, as I nabbed the second and my loyal vassal Provence converted for the third) and buffing my missionaries caused a bit of a problem, after the Anglican switch. Religious unity down to 3%, unrest rising, disasters looming and only a few Irish Catholics left to convert, with most of the rest of the nation firmly protestant for the next 9 or 10 years' worth of religious zeal.

      Ouch. Run abandoned, lesson learned. Caveat convertor anyone else who's thinking about trying it on for size.


      Lt. General

      81 Badges

      Oct 16, 2014
      • So is Anglican worth it? (724)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (725)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (726)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (727)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (728)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (729)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (730)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (731)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (732)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (733)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (734)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (735)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (736)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (737)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (738)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (739)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (740)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (741)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (742)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (743)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (744)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (745)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (746)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (747)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (748)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (749)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (750)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (751)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (752)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (753)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (754)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (755)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (756)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (757)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (758)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (759)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (760)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (761)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (762)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (763)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (764)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (765)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (766)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (767)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (768)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (769)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (770)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (771)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (772)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (773)
      • Mar 25, 2018
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      • #18

      I noticed that Anglican doesn't even get the Protestant/Reformed bonuses other countries get for things like Printing Press institution speed.

      Oversight, or working as designed? If WAD then it's another strike against Anglican being worth it. Is Anglican just supposed to isolate you as a country? Is it *intended* to be low-powered and pretty static compared to the other religions? (Other religions definitely feel more dynamic because you change things around depending on whether you are at war/peace.)


      Field Marshal

      86 Badges

      Oct 2, 2007
      • So is Anglican worth it? (775)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (776)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (777)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (778)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (779)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (780)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (781)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (782)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (783)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (784)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (785)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (786)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (787)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (788)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (789)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (790)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (791)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (792)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (793)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (794)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (795)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (796)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (797)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (798)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (799)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (800)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (801)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (802)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (803)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (804)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (805)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (806)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (807)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (808)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (809)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (810)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (811)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (812)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (813)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (814)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (815)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (816)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (817)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (818)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (819)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (820)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (821)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (822)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (823)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (824)
      • Mar 25, 2018
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      • #19

      Is it necessary for the mission to control the state church, in Great Britain RB mission tree? I havent bought the DLC yet.


      Field Marshal

      61 Badges

      Apr 13, 2016
      • So is Anglican worth it? (826)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (827)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (828)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (829)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (830)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (831)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (832)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (833)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (834)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (835)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (836)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (837)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (838)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (839)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (840)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (841)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (842)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (843)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (844)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (845)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (846)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (847)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (848)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (849)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (850)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (851)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (852)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (853)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (854)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (855)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (856)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (857)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (858)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (859)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (860)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (861)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (862)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (863)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (864)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (865)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (866)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (867)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (868)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (869)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (870)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (871)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (872)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (873)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (874)
      • So is Anglican worth it? (875)
      • Mar 25, 2018
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      • #20

      No it isn't, you need to embrace counter reformation or reformation iirc.

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      So is Anglican worth it? (2024)
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      Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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      Author information

      Name: Moshe Kshlerin

      Birthday: 1994-01-25

      Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

      Phone: +2424755286529

      Job: District Education Designer

      Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

      Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.