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Sacramento Bee Tuesday July 3t M51 Page 19 BEAL ESTATE LOAD'S 69 LfvMtaek A SappUei 62 TOR SALE-CITY S4 MOOiTALY PROPERTIES 82B WASTED TO BEAL ESTATE Maeklacry Trirttn Fr Sale 58 wubwc matebiau 57 blL fAlO Ripe scams ry XXjJ Puo Blvd HI 6-17SA FOR SALE-CITY 84 FRED JOHNS REALTY Forum Bldg GI 3-1513 5 ROOM Modern 6 Year Newly decorated 8500 Ceil owner 3920 32nd St Dial HI 5-767 8 SWANSTON 10250 500 dn 5 run Vacant 2 car gar Immaculate cond HU 4-2376 Agt LAND PARK Spacious 6 Rms Onlvj- enn nv-iy 2 Bdrm me III Hag-tlXXOil Snrmkin rr vllo tui rm me in zraz 18500 Sprinklers 2 car garage Dial Gl 3-9203 Agt LOVELY 5 Rm Colonial Fxtra large room Btn A Flsom In the AO Basement spklrs HI 6-131 i gt SEE Y'our Home In The MarBride Realty ''Picture 21st A Ca pitot I -ASSUME GI 3 Bdrm Arden Manor FOR SALE I 25oo dn Bv own Box W35Q-23 KI KI RKtV acreage NEW 2 BEDROOM 7350 KAm J- Re IV Earl WSmlth Crgsnlzation HU 4-3001 ARTHUR'S KING BKR WIIMAMt A WILLIAMS 309 1 FAIR OAKS BLVD IV 9-3646 lUdwood Board 048 48V Fnllw Lumbtr 30th A St POWIELWB LUMBER CO Road HI 6-1337 BUILDING SUPPLY ft LUMBER OO 24th St ft SutterviUe Rd HI 7-5711 SCOTT LUMBER CO 8808 Rio Linda Blvd Hit-1434 Inlaid Linoleum Asphalt Tils Reeder Co- 3028 HI 7-3505 PIONEER LUMBER CO 438 Folsom Blvd lal HI 7-1374 BURNETT ft SONS 11th and Streets Dial Cl 2-0493 Patio Barbecue bubo Masonry Supply Co 1320 Dei Paso BL HI 9-524 NATIONAL STEEL ft EQUIP CO 2980 Auburn Blvd HI 9-3339 Bssallto Distributor 5675 Freeport Blvd HT 7-6551 IRISH Cement 50 Regular a 20 plastic 8150 sack 3858 65 tn St KNOX LUMBaiR CO- INC Front and fits Dial GI 2-3614 SHINGLES And Shakes Wiedmsn 2801 St- Dial HI 5-8633 DUMBER Pipe Fitting Brick Perkins Ltor Jackson Rd HI 5-2307 BATH Tub Witb Fittings Cast Iron S2L50 Dial HI 7-6673 REDWD Fene Comp 85c Ft Mmt stla Arden Hd a Lbr HI 9-2338 COLONIAL BUILDING 3UPPLT 4649 Stockton Blvd HI 5-0717 Alpine Lumber Co On Freeway Vi Mile Past Marronl OLD Brick For Sale 430 Per 1000 Phone HI Free Estimates An Floor Covering 1519 Aiham BL HI 5-4825 3 RiL Cabio Completeiv FUrn With new furniture tnciud all fixtures a plumbing 2000 HU 1-OU7B AQUELLA Cbe A maxing Vvaterproof-Inx compound described to Readers Dicest Yancey Company 2116 McCLATCHT REALTY CL FHA loans Fast semes 809 Street CASH CONSTRUCTION Klein Realty 827 St LOANS MONEY To Loan On RL Eat let mortgage at 4H H5 GI 2-9013 CASH For 1st Or 2nd Deeds Of trust BA Staodta Bkr GI 3-7461 WE MAKE Realty Loans Or Sell Your trust deed or contract Curran Rltr 4336 4th Ave HI 7-0598 MONEY Availabla To Qualified Home owners 4 kz to 5i interest Dial GI 3-5363 Broker WE BUY Second Mortgages A Equities tn homes farms ranches IV 9-2319 Western Loan Co HOME A Commercial Financing and MICHEL 1 01 2 7th SL GI 3-2561 MOEY WAXTE1 70 PARTY Wants 1st Mortgage loon 62500 on small home Hi 7-3951 6 A 7Si 1st Realty Loans Curran Realtor 4336 4th Ay HI 7-0598 INVE8T IN Real Estate Loans We can get you 6 and 7 5 Paul Nelson Realty Dial Gl 2-5205- 6 c- xxt On Real Estats Loans Secured by 1st Deed of Trust Dial HU 4-7824 or Gl 3-8766 Rite WANTED: Money To Loan at 64 on 1st mortgare and deeds of trust 45ons Rity Gl 2-9013 WANTED 6000 1st 4 $20 security butiMKi property on 8t See Mr Philpou GI 3-777 or GI 3-5353 BKr BI SIYFSS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE 72 CHINCHILLAS Wualitv Breeding Prs Reg 4311 Htoeluon Blvd Hi 7-1855 11 RESTAURANTS HOTELS BARS Jacobson Realty ll(5 4th GI 3-3403 GARAGE Long Estab Dwntn Loca Automotive repair Must bs sold by Sept 1st GI 3-8661 GEN Off Sale Liq Lie Sacto County 66uO plus invent FixL optional Bee Box Y3907-38 LEASE ON REST HOME For Sale Central Location Write Bee Box Y4 196-2 PET A URA NT A Fountain Ideal loca ateadv business Reas priced Pti DA Vis 704 or 387 1 FOR SALE Restaurant W'lh Beer and wine license Long lease Inquire 224 St SacramenUy GROCERY Store Nice New Fixtures Slock Included Reason lor quick sale HI 9-5597 TEXACO SERVICE STATION ADJOINS FAST CAR WASH Busy Thoroughfare Gd gallon Owner HI 7-4 721 HARDWARE Clean stock good business $2 500 jtJ desired amount of stork 4 224 mj ri ur A iii JSlocktoa Blvd Dial Hi 5-033F Delicatessen Liquor Store A Catenncj FOR SLHLDBAX 84A Wright A Kimbrough Insurance A Reai Estate CARMICHAEL Hen rr Hook Bkr Dial IV 9-3140 CARMICHAEL REALTY CO Homes and lot IV 9-5322 350 TOWN 2 Bedroom Horn in South Secto Dial HI 5-5097 AgL ginwd HI 9-1744 HI 6-8613 bldr FRAZIER REALTY Greenback Lane at Fair Oaks Blvd 1 ACRE Estate 4 Bdrm Homs Perf cond Details HI 6-3775 Bkr West Sacramento Land Co 15th A Netnerlands Blvd NEW 3 Bdrm nma Pnc fr 12500 EHAJr Gl 2-4 877 or IV 9-3765 Bldr 950 DOWN 5 Mod Rms West sg McClellan Field IV 9-650 Agt SO Sarto 4 Rm 2 Bedrm Clean 5500 Mr Milier HI 6-2794 AgL 3 BDPM Home Fruit Ridge Small dn pvmt Bat on contr Im-med poss Hi 6-J097 aft 7 rTn y'v AG AM a 2760 Fulton Ate IV 9-3677 MODEL HoUdsv Home" Open Dilj 7-9 3321 again Or 3 bdrm 950 up HI 9-515a sgL NEW 3 Bedroom Home Available cn low paits Folsom Est of nirh schl FUZZIO bldr IV 9-4565 5 P-NI Pssslite Hmre Nr Ractn Col- Jptr tit It chop or trad I or Anaheim home lil 51793 Arden Park New 3 Bedrooms 3 ot) down F)IA pnes 13750 Hlafi46t or 111 9-65 8 Broker WHY Rent Ruv Gl Res le Del Paao Manor 2 tdrm hme Kav monthly pam Strung bkr IV 9-1532 204) MONTH Siriail bUlg on rear of commercial lot near McClellan HI -74 1 1 A gt 3 BDRM HOME Clean Modern So Saelo $7 930 $2 5to down $55 nio Dial HU 4-9875 Agt bY OWNER 5 Rms Gsrage Patio Modern 3 room apartment A Ijg4 5 room unfinished house Nice district 10 Min IV 9-2658 CARMICHAEL LAND Cl Fsir Oaks Blvd Near Marconi For OPEN Dailv Owner Leaving FOLSOM See Your New Home In RICHARDSON VILLAGE MODERN 3 Bdrm Stucco Corner Iot i HI 9-1566 1815 Douglas SL NO SACTO after 4:30 DEL PASO MANOR By owner Almost new 2 bdrm Dble gar Off Marconi IV 9-1 393 WEST Del Paso Heights Clean 2 bedroon home Low down pay ml Nc i son Realty 1 2-5205 2 BDRM Ranch Home Carmichael acr Frontier Wav Watt Resit IV 9-2312 Fair Oaks Blvd Frontier Wv in Carmichael Nacres' Lge 3 Bdrm Home Fruit A garden Near schl A simp On bus line $16000 Some Terms PO Box 2016 FAIR OAKS 500 IXJWN Old 4 Tims Mod Home 50x150 lot Campbell Soup area REALTY' 5002 Recta Blvd Jit 5-2531 RiTTm home Sleeping pore ft garage fruit trees chicken house sidrwaik row am acre For quick sale 75ii0 Frieda ElhotL Kltr Dial! GI rooms Lots of trees a Icieek Dial IV 9-otno zIRYTK Modern 3 Bedroom 6 OtSH For Your Property Mr Ferrlck HU 4-S511 eves HI 6-5312 Bkr CASH Buyers For Homes 729 The Morrissey Co GI 3-1771 Cash For Equity in Manor IV 9-0119 Del Paso SPOT Cash For All Kinds Properties or equities IV 9-2319 Bar WILL Pay Cash For Your Equity Bee Box W433-6 (Agent) IMMEDIATE Buyers For Oak Park A So Sacto prop HI 5-7034 AgL COOKSON CO Realtors Pavs Cash for property Dial HI 5-3039 WILL Par Cash For 2nd Deeds Of Trust IV 9-3425 Agent WE NEED Listings In Norm Area HI 9-0232 days Bkr CASH For Your Equity Huston GI 3-4675 Elliott A WITTM1ER REALTY 1527 28th FL HI 5-0291) BUSH REALTY CO 815 Street Dial GI 2-6951 LIST WITH TRAVIff REALTY DIAL IV 9-3651 WANTED: Suburb Ranch Prpty HI 9-0278 Supr Calif Rity Box 23 Sac IF YOUR Price Is Eight bound to selL HI 6-2321 or HU 4-6608 CASH Buvera For Your Prop TOM DOVI Rity Co 16 A GI 3-4677 WE Have Buvers For Carmichael prop Watt Ity IV 9-23 12 CASH Buyer For Older Type Income property Bonaftde IV 9-6508 Agt Teacher Needs 2 or 3 Bdrm Prefer GI or FHA loan HI 6-0930 Agt APT House Up To 10 Unit Not over 20 old CASH HI 6-8576 Realtor FOR KXI IIAVIF-HEAL ESTATE i i 3 BDRM A Den Lge I-ot Trade for home A 10 A Grattan Agt Gl 2-23 80 H854 MOD Home In Sacto For hse In Santa Cruz Curran Realtor 4 336 4th Ave HI 7-0598 WILL Consider Lot Or House Kqunv in trade on new 2 bedroom home in No Sacto Devs Bkr HI 9-2721 5 BungntowAmt S- Nf San Lorenzo Trade for laime of like value in Sacramento Dial HI 6-3917 MIXES A Ml MIM FOR SAIK TUNGSTEN MINK 4 ml so of Grass Valley Hard rock developed ready for recovery Need financing for mill Will take partner or will lease entire operation Cssn or rova'tv basis Contact Jim Wilson Grove Ave NU SACTO Phone ill 9-4546 IIWt'111''i S1 HOLT REALTY Farm and Ranch Specialists 2328 Street Dial Gl 2-7723 VINEYARD from Rose payment Gl 3-2935 071 Acre 43 Iws JOH 360 ACRES With Sheep Tight Fence nub VI WK I 3-J 7a Corduo Co 825 FOR SALE 16 sera ranch in aJiaifx and clover new house gar cowshed loc 1 1 nu on Newvile rd ij ml on Walnut Av Ph Orlund 69Y-3 Pr 144(00 1 FEEDER And Washer Pisa up IV 9-6447 810 a STRAWBERRY Roan Mare Childs horse 885 GI 2-9234 eves JAMESON Auctioneer Mdse A estate InvnL hot Ph Solatia eSU BULL Serv Your Pise Hoist AW Minimum fee 810 HI 6-6753 SADDLE Horae a Gear Gentle 4 years old Resa HI 9-6152 Eves GOOD Family 2nd Calf Cow Giving ever 3 tal day 6200 HI 9-3 1 44 TWO FIRST Calf Cow 5 Gal Milkers Ph 3393 RIO LINDA Calif VIRGINIA'S Boarding Stable Horses I token 2030 Arcade BL HI 9-4338 14 MOB Old Registered Polled Hereford bulL Dial HI 7-9640 WHITE FACED Yearling Heifer Dial HI 7-9640 BAY Geldinr Lovely And Beautiful Extr gentle for chldrn IV 9-2713 KARAKULS Reg 3 Extra Large ewes ram Dial IV 9-2411 WAATEB LIVESTOCK POULTRY 63 AMERICAN POULTRY CO 1208 Fifth SL Dial GI 3-9242 CASH On The Barrel For All Type livestock Les Downing HI 6-8953- TOP PRICES A Pickup Serv Cattle hog A calves rll 6-6753 Win NageL TOP Price For Cattle Cslves Hos Dial HU 4-1038 Ralhbun aft 6 WE BUY Dressed Veal Clausa Kraus Inc 1700 1 Street CASH For All Kinds Of CstUS Carl Alderson HI 7-9640 WE BUY FGGS 21st A Franklin Blvd- HI 5-9679 FEED A FUEL ue-t VES HOGS I lifts If A WE KILL CATTLE CALV A LX MBS ELK GROVE MEAT CO PHONE ELK GROVE 13 WANTED 30-40 Milk Cows To Milk on shares or buy on milk check or can take on partner for Grade A dairy AddBee BoxY3929-8 ALL KINDS OF POULTRY WANTED HAM LOTA A SON SACRAMENTO PUBIC MARKET 13th A Sts GI 3-39 5 Paalarafn Sk Feed Ibl 64 CLOVER Pasture Fur PenL 8 to 10 heads HI 5-0051 6 to 8 eves PASTURE Warned For Winter Bv head or sere Pav top price Write Bee Box Y40S9-43 WANT To Rent Winter Range For cattle or aheep 1786 loth Ave Sacramento Dial HU 4-3412 HORSES Boarded Town A Country eres Permanent pasture A hsy 25 mo Dial IV 9-0221 POI LTIIY vV SI PPLIES 65 INCUBATORS For Sal Cheap MOV- i ki v17 Pa unm H)vn Ing 6507 Folsom Blvd JAMESWAY Batterv Brooder For 14100 3071 Crandall Rt No Sarto FARM SUPPLY 1932 Broadway Dial HI 5-594 ALBERS Authorized Dealer Harel-son Feed Ca 6300 F'olsom Blvd Baby Chicks Anderson's Hatchery l6th A Klo Linda FRESH Killed Fryer Turkeys Turkey poults hatching exes AlbrechL 3111 65th SL Pis) HI 6-6253 RED Fryers Roaster Pullets 3 mi so of 7 mi house on St4ickton Blvd Marcos Hatchery OR 500 NEW HAMPSHIRE Pul- let G4od laying stock 6 weeks old TOc each or 65c in loti of 100 or mure IV 9-1 s5 DOSSING Dav Old Leghorn Chirks ruilels A cockerels avail again rom Aug 1st on thru the fall Donalng Hatchery 14th A St Kiu Linda Phone 4351 D(0 Blrdk IUblillaPrt Kfil 1 A MIM OO PEKINGESK Breeder chin Se Ken-neia 3 ml Davis Highway Want Rabbits Ton Prs Dunning Rt 1 Bi 2072 Del Paso Hts Hi 9-0381 BRED Does Doe A Litters Burks hutches Reasonable HI 9-4922 cockers' Ex Show Pet Stock Reas 3819 25 Av Nr Sac Blvd UNIVERSAL MIRROR A GLASS Complete Glass Servce Aluminum3 WIRE Case Baler Gaod Condition A Steel Sash 1610 012-1288 A Poindexter GI 2-4317 shop Redwood Siding Clear 50 Uli I GI 3-7415 office Gl 3-5551 homt- SWANSON LUMBER CO HD-10 AC Tracu-r Double Drum West Sacramento Gl 2-06911 unit and dorer Tractor has juat ROOnNGWood rod Tf -omnositlon VnGHT LAN DIg' Erdraan' 2817 Street Dial 1116-1930 NEW D6 CAT 230 Houra $1300 DOUGLAS Fir Surfaced 2x4 and 9 a New £at 26 40 OO per thousand In 2500 39- OWNER Leaving Town Must 6ll 3 bdrm horns Tn ahoe park Dial HI 7-8283 or GI 3-9018 AgL 3 BEDROOMS East Sacramento Central hut stall shower Two ear garage Excellent district for children TERMS HI 6-8775 eve AgL OWNER Leaving home partially 14x74 ill bsmnt dble gar Nr 5rde schl bussez atores Lot 8x160 2519 SL HU 4-1479 mahed attic room OLD CITY LIMITS Completely furnished 2 bedrooms Recently renovsted 10250 Cali BILL SCHOEFFLER Gl 3-4526 GI 3-4677 AgL BY OWNER 10500 5 Rm Modern clean Fireplace Patio Awning Weatheratnpped Inaulat Lrg loL Landscaped Fenced 6119 St Aflemoooe and eveninca SACTO ROOMS! 5250! S1-4(M DOWN! Fin 3 bdrm home on 40th eur Central heating Call MR GAUDiO HI 7-0879 eves ARTZ A COOK 813 St HU 4-9381 HOME INCOME 5 rm large screened -in bark porch 3 room apt in basement Lot 40x160 Convenient to bus shops A school Call Mr Roberts Gl 2-1001 LLOYD WHITE 920 8th- St Realtor GI 2-4929 ONLY 8250 Nearly new 5 room stucco Hdwd floors Excellent condition Lot 105x 315 low down parment Call Mr PaolL HI 5-3645 eves FFRRICK REALTY 1915 1 6th St HU 4-8511 SANDRA HEIGHTS OPEN 10 A to 9 New 2 and 3 bedroom homes GI nd FHA financing Driv to 44th St and Fruit Ridge Road See our repre-ppntativp JONH2J 4k BRAND 4k H1JLUS ISC 715 St Dial GI 2-8961 HOLLYWOOD PA PK Immediate Possession By Owner! yis old! 5 rms attach gar Nr seh A shpg Fenced Twin-s zed bdrm Hdwd fireplace Dble furnace thermostat Dial HI 7-8058 EXCEPTIONAL Bus! Owner Moving to Oregon 5 rm home close to North Sacramento business area Ill Fernlev St Total xaia once 6 500 HI 9-1839 HI 9-1 163 Bkr TAHOE PARK 2 bdrm A den home Hardwood fireplace insulated Modern! Nice vard Call RAY NEWSOM HI 6-4111 LUCAS A CO 915 8th Rt GI 2-5864 MEI3TER TERRACE 3 bdrmie It baths double ga- rage Large lot FYuit trees Grape arbor Call McJe HU 4-9365 WM LYON A ASSOCIATES 924 8th SL McKINLKY PARK DIST Loveiv 3 bdrm home sleeping porrh Immaeulai double garage Corner lot Niceiy lafdscaped Call Metier HU 4-9365 WM LYON A ASSOCIATES 924 8th St NEAR CAMPBELL SOUP Small horn im large lot Will take! trailer car or pickup on down pay ment HI 5-593f or 5lI5-24i4) OAK PARK REALTY 3560 3rd Ave BY Owner Small 2 Bdrm Home Very clean Lois of nice flowers shrubs etc This home is about 4 yrs old Near 19th Ave A la In alley which offers privacy or safety be Ideal for musician Li block bus (6250 HI after 6 ASSUME GI-FTLA Just off Freeport Blvd near new school 2 bedn-om stucco Insulated meatherstripped Fenced Low down ST HI V1BM HI 5-fu34 OAK PARK REALTY 3560 3rd Ave UNRESTRICTED Near Hollywood Park Loveiv 5 room modern borne close to trans- SWANSTON PALaMS VACAeNT 2 bdrm horn tchrd Firebar in hvinic room $9 750 FHA £ve Mr Cuippper 1 DI Df CULPEPPER A HAMMOND 912 15th St Gl 3-1987 PRICE ONLY $8900 1 acre 5 room modern home Large tarage Also 3 room modern borne srge chicken house Varieiv nf fruit treea and yrden 2 hp pump and deep well Terms CHARLES SMITH 2431 Stockton Bivd HI kkt 98 HI 6-64 25 Open 7:30 until East Sacto 72 37th Wav I Spacious floor plan 46 room and manv extra Sunerh decor none! other like this) Sparkling new fb tb first owner Alice etmith HT 3-7243 or nelev Realtv GI 3-3793 SHADY INSULATED Attractive 3 bdrm home Large well arranged room figured wall to Siall shower tile Calif sl) rarpn( i 1 i I I I 1 1 H'ooment Vtin I cooler new very nean Nr evervthmc Smill down Easy Pav meins 213 Empress St Na rHDRSL Hv" Br'Lv Rm Dining tin kitch ok ft ok- den A bmt Wall to wall cot drape 2x baili 2 car gar Serv qtrs pool nr Del Paao Para HI5-459 OPEN TONIGHT 'TILL 7 PM 2- i-v -r "ph K'ir''T9V) 3iOO Los Pasas Arden Park Here $-hO I 4J A TtJTAr PRIC 2 Is value in a rm colorful home 1 1 bedroom honie im FHA terms Louis Carp 421 3-5021 GI 3-2583 Agent I Located Nrth r' Broker Hi 92i Jl Neat 2 bedroom home Fair Oaks F'ENCEdTfEW TREES acre corner Jut painted rvice Good going business Ownerlv Tvr rniri For further information nt ct PO Box 38 SAUNAS Cal Realty Co GI 2-919 84 Eye St Ranchi return write Restaurant DAIRIES Livestock And 1 LAKE TAHOE Own Your Own beautiful homes' te for only 5 down 5 month no interest Wooded lots Piped water to each Pr 550-3650 Armstrong Realty 14th and Broadway GI 2-3809 IN THE SIERRAS Over 50 sc in the heart of one of our fastest growing vacation districts Nice cottage with running water modern facilities well kept and la a quiet restful location Some timber and mineral rights go with sale A lovelr place to vacation and rreat possibilities for ths future 6000 Terms Francis Halt A Keene 329 St Marysville Ph 2-2494 LOTS--FOR SALE 83 BUILDING Lots A Acreage Carmichael Watt Rity IV 9-2312 4 A Carmichael Restricted Loc Wa Its gas 1500 HI 7-1211 agt ORCHARD ERRAU LOTS 81 FL A 68 fL frontage GI 3-1662 AgL 25 DX 75x307 Lot In Rio Lind Level electricity HI 9-7411 AgL CITY DOTS EasL Will Bulkl From your plans HI 6-6752 Bldr CHOICE Building Lots A Acreage with trees IV 9-0483 Bkr 2 ADJ ewnstn Pk- Lots 105 ft frnL 10650 Cros Ritr GI 2-1508 ARDEN Pk 1975 72x146 Assessments pd Owner HI 7-1751 $300 DN Lot 1x300 Carmehl Strother Rity GI 2-0315 IV 9-2327 IN Arden Par farts Ideal Location close to shopping dist A blv Assmnts pd HI 6-0869 owner NOONANS 8a Land Park Trrc Sarto's most heart hrasltea mapec InviL GI 2-8040 GI 3-4475 GARDEN And Acre Walnut trees Good term Nelson Really GI 2-5205 1 AC LOT Carmicnael Water Retr Dial IV 9-1647 eve or Gl 2-4227 Owner-AgenL BY Owner 2 lots On McAdoo Ave Orchard Terrace No 2 Tract Nr State College Campus HU 4-3440- LOT Near Signal Air Base For 650 Thomas A Spalding Realtor 70S Forum Bldg HU 4-0577 ORCHARD TERRACE On MacAdoo Ae 69X132 By owner Dial GI mornings Sr eve 5 ACRES 7 50 Down 25 Mo Total price 25041 sunLand REALTY 4740 Franklin Blvd HI 6-6843 I BUILDERS 7 ad) laree kts T0" Country $12:0 ea Good terms Dlali i 9-2(Hi Agt rest EAST SACTO LOT BEST EAST SACTO Town aide 41id St So of li St For duplex or multiple dwelling HU 4-5S83 or IV 9-1631 Bkr 52x110 LOT In Meizter District Only 18 04) Call Bert Booth Hlllcrest 5-074 MOSS A MOSS RLTRS GI 3-2596 913 Sill Street LOT'WiTh Foundation In Beautiful Tahoe Park district South of 11th Av slrd pricwl to sell by owner 4ii55 12th Avenue 'H VE Sever I GoodNort!) res lota priced from $754) up Call row for best selection Lb terms Bkr Dial HI 9-2721 1 ACRE Building Site Hich On Hill Oak trees secluded short distance to river Gas electricity Fair Oaks ares 24f0 Term Superior Real- tv HI 9-0276 FOR QUICK SALE Will Sacrifice lot on st Rd 150x200 Wit It 8" well cased all wav down 16V 3 let pump with 250 gallon galvanized tank Eves Mr Cuiiiepper HI 6-6759 "ciPPEK -A HAMMOND 912 15th St Gl 3-1987 LOT 12081 60 TN CENTER OK CITY On Street between 32 A 33 Excellent location for court or apart-irients Near schools i Sacramento S3 A Ave Coramer- I 9-3632 or 4-7843 At IIOVIL (I TV HOUSING PROBLEM HT 6-6270 THOi A SCOTT Rtlr FUR SAL3E S4 4-6241 Afft 5 A 6 Room Home Ve FHA Terma Fruit Rldg Manor Dial HI 5-260 Nunneiey Realty 912 7th St GI 3-3793 JACK KINCAID REALTOR 2308 loth Dial GI 2-1572 CAVANAUGH A Co 26X2 Ave IV 9-5J7 Fuiton hi ptROM Inveatment Corn av HJ 7-6518 1 4 1 A -L JLifZ: SALES Property Nfnamt Ins SpH- man-Calhster 821 St GI 2-0791 PH! S-! $450 LPOT A SON Q1 3-77 For GI Homes Dial HI 7-6750 or HI 9-0308 Agt NEW 2 A 3 Bedroom Homes Sertlcb Realty Dial HU 4-574 6 MEL LONGSHORE REALTY JOE GREENE REALTOR 91 2 St GI 3-7951 IIDSTER REALTY CO 2504 St GI 3-4571 NATHAN MICHEL REALTY Gl 3-2551 rrzn TY wr J0 Iiai Gi 7-31 Agt 7ih 'street GRAND NEW 2 jv 1S31 Broidway vi Bedrvaim Veteran Homesj 4 VA financing I 7-2067 Agt 1 i i ration1 1 i service Nerlv new 2 bedroerai ranch tvpe home Insulated Hard- wavi Fireplace 2 car garage landscaped Priced to sell Watt Reailv IV 9-23J2-Fair Oak Blvd A Frontier Way In Carmichael BEER A WINE BAR Capacity business Owner ill GI 3-9405 207 No 12th St Sacto tVE SELL FARM LINDS BAR And Pool Rm 4 On A Off Sa i SLA SON 2031 Sarto GI 3J1791 lie) Beer A wine Owner IIL Rea SHASTA REALTY 114 Pacific SL Roseville ph 22-MI Farm ranch specialists 11th SL Sacramento Calif po St ewa rC RPy 2 3 nB: BBIOGS a STRATTON Gas Motors a parts Cahalan a Pierson 18-J OALUON Pull Grader VaBey EqpC 902 Del Paso Blvd- No Sacto Moore Equipment Co- Inc 903 Del Paso Blvd HI 9-2775 WHTT'qHSK a Ls Rot Portable Compress Sinks Paint EqpL HU 4-9100 M0B1LIFT Pork Lift Trdck Other used lift truck Knapp 800 12tb St Dial HU 4-9208 A S3E HA PP1 3 Harvesters Tractors and farm implements New-ben a 1700 Street Sacramento MINNEAPOLIS-Moline Tractors VAN DYKES 3402 Rio Unda Blvd Dial HI 9-2319 TURBINE PUMP 7A HP- 70 ft col $669 MARTIN a GOODLOE 1300 St 3Vk TD Carryall Scraper Miller Rotary type May be plid by wbL tree GI -3-0954 Route 3 Box 2716 Bsc MAGNETOS All Makes Also Parts repairs exchange Lamrner a Rif- kin Ilia Fifteenth Street GENRATR8 a Starters For All Cara trucks tretra and industrial eng Lanxner a Rifkm ms 15th SL MALL CHAIN SAWS SIERRA CHAIN SAW CO 392? Stockton Blvd HI 7-0043 CARBURETORS aw snakes Also part repairs exchanges Lange a Rifkm 1116 Fifteenth Street Langner TRACTOR Model John Deere A equip Also 850 ft of galvanised irrigating pipe HU 4-0925 A AILCROP with Vacuum for Hover seed Henry Lent ELK GROVE Hwy 99 35-FT REEFER Van Also 2 Axle Peterbuilt 200 tractor GI 3-0136 Rt 1 Box 3683 West is vet R5 CATERPLR Gd Good rT7 With ang cable lift dxr Price 22oo Nevada City MoteL Phone 56S DA CAT With Carryall And Good tract Reply to Box Y3S21-35 The Bee HAMILTON CITY TRACTORS Truck Farm Machinery Your International Harvester Dealer CPACO Phone Woodland 2-2821 llwy 24 at Racetrack Road FERGUSON Tractors Ferguson System Implement Your dealer Growers Tractor A Implement Co 1300 SL Gl 2-0409 MULTIPLE Stage Pumps 180 to 350 head direct connected 30 lip Motors ideal for spray avatems PO Box 373 GRASS VALLEY CMC CONCRETE MIXER 6 PORTABLE 750 Beeby Machinery ZOOO Canltal Ave GI 3-751 SACRIFICE Steam Cleaner (Automobile air compressor hoist Batterv rnsrrer electric polisher Dial Gl 3-2917 For Everything In Chain Saws Leavitt THE CHAIN SAW MAN iMcCulloucn Distributor) St Sacto Calif GI 2-3469 FORK LIFT Orchard Tvpe 21) Ton Pneumatic tires IH6 power Best Pipe A Mach Co 1 ml north of Del Paao Park cm Auburn Blvd HI 9-1366 MODEL AC 35 Tractor Good condition 4 bottom 14 in flow 1400 Tom Collins Poul-rv Ranch 1 mi east of Elverta Fire Hall FOR SALE: D4 Caterpillar Serial Na 6 11144 Stand gauge electric starting electric lights Caterpillar 4 straight dozer Almost new 4 84 lira Write Emory BlodgetL SHINGLETOWN California CATERPILLAR D-S TRA42TOR 2 series with Le Tnurneau 13-16 yd Brraper Phone wire or write NATIONAL TRACTOR CO Broadway HU 4-8268 TD 40 INTERNATIONAL With angle dozer A PCU A REAL BUY FOR $1750 SACTO VALLEY TRACTOR CO 1901 Bioadwav GI 3-1727 SCHRAMM AIR COM PRESSOR Portable Model 20 Just Overhauled Mounted On 2 Pneumatic Tire Growers Tractor A Implement Co 13410 USl I 2-0409 MASSEY HARRIS Self Prop 14 Ft combine compl Bulk A sacking attach Track A wheel both excel shape- FLOOD EQUIP CO Alhambra A St Dial HI 6-S459 de Walt saws Skn A Stanley Portable Tools YATES AMERICAN walker turner boice crane shop tools "If An Electric Tool Haven Ha It" HAVEN Saw A Tool Co 2t A Sis Gl 3-2003 SPECIAL Deal 1950 Model WD Allis Chalmers wheel tractor Excellent rubber new paint hydraulic system electric starter and lights Wide front axle adjustable rear axle Good for tomato or beet cultivation and general purpose work Used verv little Price only 1695 Solano Tractor A Equipment Co DIXON Phone 701 SACRIFICE BY OWNER 1 John Deere "17" harvester 18 ft cut Very good condition Now in operation 1 Allis Chalmers 12 fL offset disc Very good cond 1 MM 6 ft disc Exc cond Make offer Ownera quitting IV 9-2150 after 6 RD6 Cat wdozer hyd 6 yd hvd Scraper 4 vd Dump truck complete A goixl cond 850 John Deere 12A harvester used only 1 week 1 200 disc used only 6 hour Cost ti 6" disc never been In the ground Cost 275 IOO John Gage Phone 3331 CHICO Cal lACIIIM-ItY TRACTORS -WALTER 59 SM LL Trommel IT 9 Scrubber Murdock 719 GI 3-8823 A HI 9-184 5 FARM PRODUCTS 60 A $6000 FULLY Equipped One Chr Barber shop for rent or Is Gd bus Bee Box Y392S-23 GROCERY And Meat Market Eaat Sacto $6500 Includes stock and fixtures I norm'N KING Bkr HI 6-0167 BAR FOR SALE With Beer A Wine license Reasonable Call or see between and 5 1114 4tn Street Dat Gilbert 2-9407 DRY CLEANEP-S Plus 5 room home llot corner 20 OOO Good terms BOB MEY-lKR6 HU 4-0465 GI 3-4677 Agt SWEET' st utile Restaurant in Sacto Ares with living yuarters EH terms Call Mr Payne HU 4-1536 MILLER A HARR1GAN 013-253 2 bdrm home near McC'eiian Field Eenced yard patio summer house 0n)v Jg 500! Call 7-9556 LUCAS Sth St A CO 915 ARDEN PARK For now Owner must leave Large 3 bdrm with 2 bath A den Sprinkling svstem Priced tor quick By appL only Jim Colllpneit 9-49l OPEN EVHRY EVENING 2 large bedrooms Clean all mod- 'trn features N'r Fnill Ridge School Ol loan PPtmt only 'p' af ty on J- vERNON REALTY QO TWO Bi HI 7-9082' BKDROOM HOME located in West Sacto Out of town owner Priced to eli Approx 2 vear oil JtOBKRT FLINT Broker OI 3-4007 SOUTH SACK A MEN TO Verv nice 4 rm home furnished including auto washer and refrue Lee bul ard Shade Close io trunsir-tation $77 50 terma Eve JLha HI 6-673 STENSTPlM REALTY CO 1S24 StiM-ktim Hivd ill V6K6 HOME 5 room aturco modern house New l) sere mne south of Seven House on Stockton block off vacant Price $9000 with terms y- 'mn" 71 51 0 MILLER A H4K1 WEST SCRMENTO 9250 2 bedrooms wall to wall carpel 1 1 Phon Mr Strunk rveninxs HI 5-2302 4 I loan email down payment Ulal I 51 BETTER HOMEB REAUTi Gal- West Bldg Gl 3-5863 vretrr picht ran tw rvn pv- MOVE RIGHT IN! Low Down Pav- rj EATON iii 1 1 11 Its blocks) chtirche) business port at Ion etc Terma can be ar- FOft SALK MY OWNER district bus line 10000 ch Price $8500 Mr Davis HI HIj9-46j1 eves DAVID KAUFFMAN A CO 703 St Gl 2-1017 Bee Equipment and income is terrific Pries oniy 4000 Aiex Hoeffner COEN SEXTON 2749 Franklin Blvd Inal HI 7-5789 jjan Rt Mo yi0 i a lyre FbUN-fTRESTT' tCCANDY'la No LINDA 1 1 0YlvI Kill I-ll IU A Cal teats IIS Beit d'nt'n loc a Best Soil Citrus Heights Aren Ful 50 gross 940O0i prunes ant almonds Good 2 tied room hurr SJl(KK) for qukk aie IV' y-47S or ROv-iKYlLtLlL 7MVT inc Five acres Larjc home One with owner Dial from Klo Jinda iiirrc bedrooms arid sleeping porchpleniy of sliade Write or write Box 1-4 8 -Hilt SALK 185 Ft On Fulton Near Town Country rial zone Call Del Pnweil Eves HU DIVERSIFIED FARM 20 Acres good buildings we! Is Should dbl Lc rmv rp now open-inn $36000 Box Yt94 W2 XEI8-rI3lble Grosses $600 low expenses $3000 bsndlea Illness forces Quick aie $li 6o EXCELLENT 'fERMS Isiberal farms 516 20th St iCail Liovd West ves REFRIGERATOR Washing Machlrel FTraYlflT 4-0711 snd applianr servlc ln Altura st- i hg4igii Sell for Inventory price An oppor- 77 a Grade Dairy Well deveL all Irrigated 'pasture Fxc 500 2 Bdrm Home Vacant Psrk-feed buildings and cement corrals er Tract Ph eveninga HI 9-5316 Contact owner Gaabut Rt 3 rr rvim-n Dial Box 391 STOCKTON Cal GI UOME3 OO Down Dial 1 unitv nf a lifetime Ill health forces sacrifice HI 9-9112 Sacramento GARAGE SERVICE STATION LIVING QUARTERS Oh BeauT Fher 24 Writ Box 127 BLOAT Calif- SERVICE Station Lease Offering Ex- ceptlonal earning oppt)rumtvIAan ioin unit jpf major ccin- U'sposal Bunt 0 buys this excemionallv fine ft- Vhru vitIC 'rm- ucco home In Haggmwood Just gVq street rNun-ik nw inside ard oiit sturdviBROl-GH sireev Disposal Bunt oyci CH A RLFB GSM pane 2-0477: 8 AM to 52431 Stockton Blvd Mon thru Frl for apptmt ACRES SlOoo Down 3 Mile! RM1THt Reyitor HI 6-6425 I AKC papers HI 5-8851 after 6 TOY POMERANIAN Pun Male P-er AKC champ atk $i5 HI 6-589 GERMAN Shep Pups Per- AKC $10 up Rio Linds 14th and I Bta COCKER Puppies Dark Reds Rec Rea 4542 Marconi IV 9-2351 FOX TERRIER PUPPIES Male Brown whit HX 7-3663 Ch Stock H1 UJ44 Hi DOG TRAINING All Breeds Dogs for sale LeRua Grim IV 9-5124 SIAMESE Kitten Exc Ped Good breeding slock Reason IV 9-3512 TROPICAL Finn Plants Frovd HI 9-4284 tOpen Sun) I Supplies TOLO Kennel Scottish Terrier Pun-pie Rt 4 Box 5140 Carmichael! Stud! GREAT Dane Reg Puppies service Dial IV 9-4150 SacrR 1 -r- HL'ND Puppies Rt Evg- HJ mAKC regrsrtedP'HI7 NICE Golden Cocker Spaniel Purebred 3725 3 1st St LABRADOR Reg AKC 3 Fem $75 Ph Kempton Clark Woodland 2-6583 REG Collie Champ Line Pert Wide wh cola 45 A up Rt 3 Bx 7882 Carmichael IV 9-2550 Will ship 1 I 10 scran'clo 'er mr home brn cow htd and mtikmc cows 7 lip lur- south Florin JO acres clover acres drv pasture 5 HP pumpt old house small barn 'radharn chicken house 13 500 -Z pavts Kve dial HI 6-8719 stenatrum HI 5-6S6R 1 kv- lOVr nil! lfprj it Acres Clover Ral-I 11 8i" land J5 hp turbine! tt barn tii head of cattje ard all farm equipment goes Call George1 ev 0 rT "DfYUC I Pease 72J ELK 'ROVE JOHN STEVENS 614 ISth SI HU 4-011 CAN YOU TOP THIS? iJr Hi district 10500 full pries stucco outside Plaster inside quick saie Call Don Tarent HI 5-2965 or- GI 2-9013 LYONS REALTY $10950 Full Price 6 Room Corner lot Street raid GI loan $1280 down closing lnaulated Fireplace tile hdw floor 2 huveks to Peter Rurnett School Call John Flanagan HI 5-2712 sve or McMahon A Flanagan Fruitrldge Khoppmr Center HI 5-2608 or THE ALPH HERTEL CO HI 3-20 tA tS 1 1 Belas rvona fAfr i wood floors $6350 full pure terms Call Agt HI 7-2183 or BeornomlmoeOn thruout Pining rm -corner tiled sink kitchen double 1 tchen double cam On loveiv LAND PARK Undoubtedly The cleanest and best 3and Park 2 bedroom home we have seen for a long time Loveiv master bedrooms overlooking Immaculate gardens Beautiful 25 foot living room loveiv separate breakfast rm Dial Gilbert 3-7338 eves BLOOMBERG REALTY CO GI 3-6532 NEAR LAND PARK 3 BEDROOMS DEN College Tract home on lot 50g14f' Master bdrm 16 ft lone ha double coes Large rom t'ull vard epnn- Ikon Guest house Call Mr knnx svstem Guest house Call Mr 49 acres on Middle Jackson Road Fast developing district Close to newIPERS 81 Serv Chaa Thoms housing project shopping center Price Ritr Gl 3-7461 GI 3-7794 S09 Sin St GI 2-3S34 BEN KENNEL3 BOARDING SCOTTIES WIRE A IRISH RIER PUPS DIAL IV 9-5674 Horse Meat For Pet Lge Purchases 14c lb med purch 20c lb: retail quan "3c lb HI 6-1724 30th AL FOR SALE BAR One of the best bars in Ibis area Long lease et reasonable rent Doing term 10 business Dial GI 3-34 36 Irish SETTFRPup Ready For Fa li SPORTSWEAR Dress And Lingerie $13800 Terms Prone now Farmer PhiL 1 CVPITAL REALTY CO GI 2-2919 814 Eve Bt By owner Modern 4 bedrm Mountain bom With 3- acres land rence1 vard lawn fern garden and flower garden I'ndergrnd sprinklers wasn house A car gar Crock beautiful v-ew ir mnes Two off Hwv 4t) at Baver mi off county rd 58 Terms Phone Alta 2371 or write Box 35 Baxter Cauforrui NATOMAf LAND Close in Up Garden Huhwar shout I KIO LINDA HOME Extra special Nice 5 rm stucco lee((inK porch Iambie g-l Heuhert IY 9-M9 with 2 rm apt Also gd 3 im5 ---jhotise in rear income $idfl mo 29 Ht GL 3-1 1 f5tr(fri houe fhold 500 1 BY Owner General Merchandise Store In Amador Countv! Only tore in town Priced for quick sale! Phone Flvmouth 2587 or write Box 4 FfPPLETOWN Calif- NEED WORKING PARTNER! atbU 10rwvr1v fVhoViuJrtmii imlt' ExcTncInvest -irfort ml After 6 PM dla! 1 9-3917 MEAT MARKET FOR SALE A well established business In a fast growing community Gotsl termsi In richt partv Contact CHESTER MEAT MARKET CHESTER Ckllf Phone 2651 OWNER In Hospital 8 Yrs Eat Re taurant Living quarter shove Long lease Sacrifice $8 000 Books open Ruth's 1522 16th St shop Beautiful rustic setting growing college communtv Clean stock- long lease Owner movng S4 500 and inventory at cost Books open to inspect inn to qualified buver Box Y392V10 Pee aUTO HOME And Rado Serv Ice shop Rusv down town corner dnve-in Iow rental lease on new hmidin Must sarrifire at once due to pressure of other Chance of a life time for 1 or 2 16th St GI 3-2913 RESTAUR Thoroughly Established in fast growing community of 10-000 Loc on new hiwv Large pirking pr Good le $9 onn full pr $6 000 down Closed Vnns Carl Lunch PARADISE Calif RESTAURANT: Seats Over 50 People Equipped absolutely mnde-n thnmut EXCELLENT DPPORTU NTTY Gd lease $200 mo) $600 rash handles 1 On Davis Hwv 2 miles from Sacto poper on north-side) Dial GI 2-9656 SERVICE Station For Ieae Small! investment Purchase inventorvi only Good location High gasoline' i foot lots GRASS VALLEY LUMB-ER COMPANY Isumn Calif MONARCH WEATHERSTRIP Fibcrglu Blown Insulation THE ELLIS CO 1923 Stockton Blvd HI 7-6521 Plumbing Supplies Large Variety of Hardware Items KEATON'S HARDWARE 8441 Folsom Blvd HI 5-0712 CORRUGATED Iron New fittings All size Used Acme PiP Pine A Snooty Co 1051 East HI 9-: Cam I no LIGHTWEIGHT Precision Pumice blocks All sizes steel sash reinforcing Hoksnsnn Building Blocks Power Inn Road Rt 2 Box 2254 HI 5-5625 nr HI 5-6458 ALUMINUM OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS BUILT ANY SIZE FONTAINE A BEAN 2005 Rt GI 2-2748 METAL MOULDING For all tTpes of trim Large Varietv Low Cost RING UP RIVETT 2300 Broadway PIANINO Mill Will Remanufac-lure your lbr to any size Ur or small orders accepted with careful attention Welter Moore Planing Mill 1 mi north of GALT ROMKK 5 1) PER li And ws show yau bow to wirs and pass Inflection SUTTER ELECTRIC 8UPPLT 4840 Franklin Blvd HI 5-3583 Only 10 Down a material for repairs remodtUng Open 7 Davs A XGI LUMBER CO gtktn Blvd A Florin Rd HI 7-0746 DECORATIVE TYPE SHUTTERS They Beautlfv Your Home! New Low Prices Immediate Delivery Moat Sizes In Stock Mill work Mart Inc HI 7-0441 6TEEL SASH "TRIM BET" Complete with frame gtas hardware Coats no mors than wood PIONEER STEEL A SUPPLY CO 1215 No StreeL Dial HU 4-8265 SINGLE POLE LIGHT 8 WITCHES 15c' RED SUTTER SUPPLY WE BUY A SELL' 21st Franklin Blvd HI 7-2438 USED PTPE AND FITTING Toilet 1100 Tubs complete (1750 New ztngle laundry trav $6 PLUMBING SHOP Stockton Blvd A Stacey Av a mils south of Florin Road REDWOOD V-O RUSTIC Clr A Const Hrt Grapestakes 1x4 rinonrr BURNETT A SONS Free Estimates 11th and Rt GI 2-0(93 Specials! Specials! Specials! Plywood AB 4x $4 Plywood good reject: 4x6 sheet So sq ft B'S" Half Screen Doors $850 SACTO D450R A PLYWOOD CO 1010 East El Camtno HI 9-0314 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OPEN WEDNESDAY TILL 8 FHA Fin Available on All Materials WE MAKE ALL ARRANGEMENTS REMEMBER always good deal out the FREEWAY at ALPINE LUMBER CO Oppoaita Municipal Golf Course Dial HI 9-2731 LUMBER LOADED With An Excellent £tock of DOUGLAS FIR 2x4 Number Three STEINER LUMBER CO 2nd Avenue A Stockton Blvd HI 7-04 27 CARMICHAEL IV 9-3616 Fair Oaka Blvd A Manzanita WATER HEATERS Automatic Reconditioned 20 up Complete line ol NEW USFD and Damaged MATERIALS WE BUY USED PLl MBING PIPE THREADED SACTO WRECKING A PLUMBING 17 12th St CI2-d4 41 REDWOOD V-RUSTIC Combed Grapestakes-Spilt Grapestake Redwood Triangle Grapestakes ONLY inn TYOVVN up to in Month to PV on mtnl for rmodebnr NEW HOME BLDO A SUPPLY 5310 Franklin Blvd HI V37 PLUMBING SUPPLIES of all kinds At Prlees That WUS SAVE Yoi Monev! Re Before You Buv tTNITFO PIPE 4 MACHINERY OLJ Auburn bst bevond Subway NO SACTO 91 UFVfliq ijuiu al l4l 9-2858 LUMBER BARGAINS IgA TViug'aa Fir S4S $0M 2x4 And 2x6 No 3 $73 lx Redwood V-Rustle On Panel Door Each ion Down 30 Months to Pav On Material for Remodeling Ete A I wav Lztwest Price HOMESTEAD LUMBER OO 30th and St a HI $-301 PLYSOORD g')J llesqft 17e ft 19Vcq ft 2x4 No 4 39 1x6 Shiplsp $58 7m T3 Just arrived! WJ Fincor Power Mower SCDTT LUMBER CO 1 209 Rio Linda Blvd HI 9-1 454 PLUMBING SALE Closs coupled toilets $25 50 4 csst Iron pipe per ft 79c galvanised pipe per fL -13c Recess Bath tub $4995 FREE Iavout Service And FREE Use of Tool PLUMBING Open Sunday 912 440 Franklin Blvd HI 5-2494 ACE PLUMBING CO 3545 Rio Ilnda Blv Hi 9-5645 REDWOOD BASKET WEAVE FENCING ONLY Ve PER RUNNING FOOT COMPLETE! Erect 2V1 ft of fence for as lltt'e as $11 DOWN $5 51 PER MONTH POWERLINE LUMBER COMPANY HI 6-1357 Roarer Inn Rd Between Folsom Blvd and Fruit Ridge Road New! New! New! tkermador ftes It On Display! Built ts electric raite and oven glictening Main'es iteel The mod- ern way of eoo king Easy to cloan Nothing awkward to sw-ep around Tbeee untta are part of your kitchen! cabinets 1 MILLWORK MART INC Alftambra at St HI 7-0441 Outside Whits Paint --150 gal 100 Par Outside White Paint $3 95 gat Your saving St a gaL Pncord 48 lCve eq ft Llnseod Oil In your contr $1 95 gal Paint Thinner in jrour 30c Turpentine-sub in your caa 9Sc $aL Nsttonftlly Advertised Textollte Paint Reg $369 gaL $2 69 Elsctneal Switch Boxes 23c each North' JOHN COTTLE Corner 12th ft No TAXKlgggS100 49 $SA2 3Ox6S eft VUZJL SCREEX 24i4S $794 2x48 eftftftftftftoo $4 07 3-0x6-8 $8 28 del Paso Lumber co (10 Grand Ave HI 9-3507 SlarUafry Traeitrt Etc FftP Sale 58 3 constr well planned Nr his school! jstores 4 financirg SEBASTIAN I REA LTY 2116 St Gl 3-7959! HI 9-0720 pm Paso Heights 7 room basalite Fxcei-hent tn FHA term 9-7116 Pavs HI 9-2721 Bkr 1AVE IN BEAUTIFUL FAIR OAKS Gl HOME Still tome homes for qualified Gl purrhasers 19950 $450 Down includlnc closing cost FAIR OAK RE 4 LT Fair Oaxs Ca! 144 Eves HI 9-7893 land H10 Linda Bivd 2nd place on right North of Mreet Pno Minor NOW BUILDING 60 New 23 Bedroom Homes GI FHA Financing Several readv for immediate ocru- ffvrrii rca lur ini in wxi in is u- psnev Choose your own color tin- tenor ft ex'ermr in one of the ram- I bhng ranch home Del Faso Manor Waft Dm! Marronl IV 9-4 DO YOU WANT A NEW HOME IN DIXON? Five two bedroom home: 5 th' bedroom homes To Ha built in the futura For further fo-mution contact Harold Brnwa at nixon New CDtv HM between fh hour of PM to PM July jn August 1 1951 or ph DIXON A PIP $500 DOWN uppearane Dgndv modern 2 bedroom home plus cabin Good conatrucCnn Nice and handv LOt'ATION akes this MUST SEE: Full price ts4S0 ONLY $50 mon'hlv ACT now: Tonight Call Bll Smth HI 55541 RIVER BEND This fine home I located on the American River Bluff over ft of river frontage giving a sweeping panoramic mfw jjp and down I ern onlv $9 nesr stucco peat and mod 95tl Bv McClat- HI Cali Alex Hoeffner jo One ranth contains 4 rr alfalfa 2nd ear cutting 2 hdrm house 3 car garage $223n lvr ijAKMU Term Tre other ranch about same1 HO loth St location contain I20acrea Wilt raise Relty HUJ2749 Frtnklm Blvd her informjttitvn Csh fiena Kirkpat-j 4i21 or Gl 3-6044 fTTso DOWN WM CARiiODY hv High St GI 3-1991g-88)4 L-T'i tud 1 Unrestricted beautiful home ii McClstchv High Call UI2-lS49Egleston 95220 3820 4 4TH 2 Bdrm Finished! COEN SEXTON BARTLETT Pears Freestone A Cllnx'oREAT 2 Reservation Ieft rick Broker GI 2-88)3 111 Ac Pump 1 500 Gal Per Mm "'6oSha'c nndrt tch' Too Mrmina)' irt Srara il3 sH fJd 'mhir" grain land fed TOWN Sr roi NTRY Custom 2 blroom hom 7 btork from 2 rt Iivmc rmm re FnrM and landcmpd 4 loan payibl 4679? Pr mo TRAVIS REALTY IV 9-2104 IV 9-3oM ABOUT l1 Acre No Of Mtlellan New cottaRe liYkble but ihe1 Waler LlEhts ww $500 down near McCjeMan About 1 acres 4 rms bath vv alter Liuht Secluded Wuie $4 750 About V0 dn Axt HI Gl 3-8410 HI7-1J04 Gl 3-6662 HI 7-6 lit 5-3461 CITRUS HEIGHTS 4 rm rustic with 4U acre in almonds and obves Good sandy loam Piped for irng Garage: chix noose Will consider FLlL PRICE I 2 Eve HI HI 6-5543 WITTMIER REALTY 1527 2Vh St HI 5-4)291) FULL PRICE S400n 4 room home West Sacramento on 541x200 lot nice garden soil pilfiiuV inrrer 5n du tn fn- dustnal zoning Call George Orphah GI 3'7eugene williams 104 Fealtor GI 2-691S THROUGH THIS LOVELY HOM TUBS DR WED 7 to PP LA SIERRA la the add- or hi superb new 6-rm uh ure vour 1n a dina xutura Beau 'i- hetrar orneneycr HI 5-7305 RIGHT A KIM-GI 2-299L 4072 1 1TH AVE $750 tdrxms A dn $7750 Nsr 2 bedrm hom anra Immd fI TXasaa $1 750 down $57 50 a New 2 hedmom home Landscaped etc 9500 dawn 50 mo Modest home A KOMOORIAN REALTY Gl 3-7465 or HI 7-i 5T 0IK iiKQinF-VriAi 85 ri TTntti 17 500 Dm GF397f9E MondK thra DUPLEX In Fruitrldge Manor Part-lv lurn iell or trade HI 5-0434 LARGE 2 Bedroom New-Vacant Excel loc GI 3-6261 act 4 KITS $9500 Inc 145 per mo U) yrs old Cnt Forester GI 3-2596 INCOME $175 5 Cabin I-g Lrrt In $2000 dn Sheldon HI sXV off -If HI 5-(IJiboinJu OWNER Mak'ng Change Offers 6 new units Attractive setUng Good nrome Box Y3924-14) Bee Bldg 2 Bias Butter UNIT APT Hospital investment riiti return HI 5-293 Agt nvetment 6plen 'TTSYrT-H aEL DUPLEX Income mo Ouiv vear old cqW Thai 1V9-4819 agent IbPVN'T) New 2 Bedrm Duplex By owner 3533 34th St HI 6 5539 lnou at 3249 llttl Avenue $9 ho 7 roun'rv NEW DUPLEX y'fi Good Iinancirt Call DEL ELL ave HL 4-543 Of aa A Agent- In 4 Rm Home Pius 2 Rra apt bath fireniare baaement cenTG beet hardwood (ml Sleldon HI 7-0663 or HI 5-0338 office Act iVvMiNO Hou Fat Growing Onlj town $500 mo income 1 2 room I since 4 large rm for owner quarter 213 SL DWI? Ph 8263 Price $5n OOP BEST! Furn'shed apartment house! Excel- condition Best location Income fSnn prCod to sell' Frederick tsoo per Daniels HU 4-58 IV 9-1 S3 1 hr OWNER-'MUST-BELL 1 Two dup'ex 2 bedrm units on Ar-iden Wav in Arden Park small dn pavmt will handle Kiser pll 3241 RIO LINDA after CARMICHAEL DUPLEX 96501 vr old Stucco '0 UW Cloa tn bust dist Income $130 Call JAIL ie FA RIA Ill 5-4931 ves i ArtTZ A CCKK HU 4-9361 nj-t -JK(0 AH DUPLEX HOLLYWOOD i 130 ran MOT): I Ktse Must Be Settled Tte unusual opp Getting a 15-ut-t four-vr -old motel for men tnsn 8 1 7 300 below replacement For or 1 15 000 dn you want to miss Munk GI 7461 Gl 2-6616 Bkr MODERN DUPLEX hdrms Iiv rm filed bath floor film good residen-snop Tm $1200 da lot ooo Nles loca 'on Hurrv on tm one 3 Fc 12 unit court Separata cox-tage Close tn Check I 5 -m 4 rm ft 3 rm apt a a re ail lot- Close tn E-Z term Kn Lyon HU 4-6608 3218 Brosdwav HI 4-1)21 VDri lnsui 6 Unit Apt Bldr 3 Nr stores 2 buses Earn irt fBB pp rpfr'f Spar rfrwn hdwd pmtt vmrtian blnm Inr Ont Ld1 rm Brndi puJi iK Contact Bre gnx Y3923-4 3 4'omm wrrlal (rial Property 86 MOTEL 14 Unit Reported tneom $530 mi) gross Dial HI 7-7365 Mrs McOinnla Agt BEST BUYS Income Property Laka Tahoe Phone TALLAC 30Y13 Harotd Martin Realtv COMMERCIAL Bldg 15x55 ft Lot 40x140 A good buv at $7350 Suit for upholsttv plumbing etc Diet HI 6-3704 eves for appt MOTEL ft Trailer Ct Op of Best obtainable Room for expansion Motel 5 to 30 unit For appL HI 9-8839 Bkr super market Town ft Country Location Will Se Real Estate or Leaw Eves GI 2-57 27 o' TELKSCO '3231 Fulton Ave Iv TWO STORES ON 17TH FT Ideal aetup for a shoe shop Cleaner hsrber shop grocery store res-laurant 5-room apt upstairs 4nx0 ilev Corner Priced to se'1 at HE 5 nn Hipb 6-5995 OI 3-2071 Agt 7-579 53 75 MONTH 2 'vedr'Kwn ueeo home La rge lot biT kitcKrioeVTizic HI 6-0930 eves U024) The RALPH HERTEL Co T15 St GI 3-2074 LICENSED FOR NURSING HOME A room rustic Need aoma altera firm Commercially toned Sherman at south of5an Framico Bivd 41 rms south of San Francisco Blvd Clean attractive Near school ft good shpg cent Edna Mzrtineiii GI 3-43-52 ATROUS-McCIK)RY CO 916 11th St GI 3-20 1 -9 WATROUS-McCLORY CO OPEN EVER EVENING -9 RIA ER PARK 2 ft 3 BEDROOMS Individual plan wdth 2 bath cen- tral heat patio 2 car garage $9 r- burr bi lavu 1 VETERAN-rMUe DOWN PVMT Fireplaces iot of closet space til Kitchen ft bath HI 6-2467 or 925 10th St Gl 2-2621 ONLY $6750 PER MO Beautiful new bed homes Insu btrdwood floor larra or bn a wimp all wrm BDRM Home In Ta Dist Nsar beaut 3 bdrm nmc pvd av 4 rm school iark A bua 3 ara oid help hse I bn fed Pr $Vmm Owner ft orland County Calif 7P Dli Dial GI! 23 'bred 'and 22 open heirera Plenty to 5 Monday through irrig pasture 3 homes and amnlei tq 5 Monday tnrougn and nuipt Monthly Income 'now a'hov jot) Can be heaviv! tr-isss- loc 1 ac with 6o young cows 1930 DHIA record of 4 w-1 1 bs fit I I peaches nectarine River View Orchard Garden Hwy 3 mt fcactn TEAR? Canning And Etin THE WINSTON RANCH Garden Hiway 5 Mi No of Bridge SWEET CORN Hybrid Great For locker V5c doz at patch thia week 32nd I RIO UNDA 1 mi north of McClellan 'cLING PEACHES 5c lb von pick BARTLETT PKARa 7c you Pick PLUMS 7c Dirked ROSTING S) SI 25 $: -H GRADE A RANCH EGGS Swallow Nest Farm 3 Ml Garden Hv Hit Grata aad Sale 61 TtHF 1ST CUTTING 1 tH ton No fox tall $22 ft $23 del Gl 3-0971 ALFALFA Hay Rt 3 Box 12A0 Garden Hwav Sacto HI 9-6063 Consult Us Before Buying Or Selling NO 1 Lesfv Alfalfa Hsy Green 3rd cutting filiced baled GI 2-0902 LAWLER HAY ft GRAIN CO 426 SL Wholesale Dir HU 4-9353 FOR SALE Approximately 40 Ton gaMnnage 5-3871 Friday Exc around Din Nice for con $6000 dn ville Calif Box 222 1 rm Ilv liiple to qtr all qnd 1 emeke-Dlckson Inc 7236 Auburn operate $1 8000 1 pi V1 Citrus Hgts Thone ROSE-Mr Parent Green- ville 751 MONEY MAKEP Well equipped grade A dairy on 82 OI'T OF IIEAI ESTATE CLAUDE BKARDPLEY Bkr 715 Bldwell SL FOLSOM Ph 505 KLAMATH RIVER PROPERTIES Resort and recreatsnn-i! Ramhe and reMental KENNEDY Real Broker HAMBURG Slskreou Co r--xLf hunting AKC registered Reasonable HI 5-3805 Canaries Parakeets Parrots Finches Iave BihJs Vfamaters Fish PET A PIGEON CENTER 3208 Bwy BOXER Mnle Pups Bancswsjr And Apollo lines 9 weeks HI $-649 4650 22nd Street BIRD DOGS Trirhrd Springer Spaniel nuns Lvr A wh 6 wks old 2 male imle $15 $20 HI 9-5056 4212 Barbara St Del Paso Hrt 2 blk from McClellan Gat No 4 LLANTWIT KENNELS Reg from Litter Due Aug Sth Boxer 1 Male Left nf Wk Old Litter Dial HI SMALL TERRIER PUPPIES 1 male 2 female Golden cocker pupptea A weeka registered With papers While they last onlv $15 each -BOULEVARP TET SHOP 37 20 Stockton Boulevard Open Daily St Sundays Till rery Stck Balk Fr Sal 67 SPECIAL! OLEANDERS! 97c tn Gel Cen Ped White Pink Sslmon HI 5-0944 oki nursery Creeping Birdsfool Treefoll Seed Buy seed direct from grower wholesale prices VASSAR Phone DIXON 5113 LAWN SEED Specialty recommended for sacto Valley lawn Blue eras and clover mix: blue gras clover ft red top mix: blue great clover creeping fescue mix $1 in per lb $1 On per lb in in-lb iot Peat Mn $415 bale SMITH ft CO 922 12th Street CC uol Pacific Finance Loans 917 10th St Dial Hlf 4-1802 LOAN'S Auto Furniture Lauppe Co 11323 Street Dial GI 3-7431 GENERAL ACCEPTANCE CO 1804 Del Paso Blvd HI 9-3511 LOCAL LOAN CO $25 TO $1000 On rour salary furniture or sufo 1104 8th Street Dial GI 2-0431 BORROW today The Mercantile Wav Loans in snv amount $50 $500 $1000 or more Mercantile Acceptance Co 1612 SL HU 1 -0251 LOANS MADE QUICKLY Manv Without Co-Makers MORTHRIFT FINANCE CO 1229 St Dial GI 3-7901 CASH Lose For Seasonal Need $25 to 1 OOO on auto fupi or salary Loan arranged th tpfi daw 9aMee' a Desalt Prt 1 11 i 'ronumfr' Credit Co 12th St Dial Gl 2-587 ofe too 1 1 American River The home is Iarge813 St 2 bedroom living room dining room rar reei UARK I klttT2 bst cenTral heat 2 ra Beautiful landcaied thre ld Beautiful land-rai-ed three i 1 3 500 The nver ean ie ieen trr liver can he MAJOR OIL COMPANY offer Modern RENO SERVICE STATION for lease Excellent opportunity wide awake business man develop commercial and residential following Minimum Investment for stock and equipment Partial financing to qua'lfied partv Write PO Box 2454 RENO Nevada n'vment or home A tn-The IV i ts terms Mori Morton- eierv window Shown hy come r(-w Tient only Pri-e JiU ofili Call SANTANA William HI 6-7344 or anhoe Gl Ihert 3-6595 Wllil ft tit i -detached 2 car These homes 'are close to rhml transportation FHA term MoMAHON-FLANAGAN mr" shopping aod KarJIe jarr It pointment 19-3646 haled verv fine volunteer oat hav Lavv 1195 Hazel St OridlevlAlOAEl TO LOAA FENCED 2 Rm House Util-TAHOK uiiv rarad homt THREE BEDROOM BASALITE Fenced hack ard Priced reason- Fireproof ft termite proof Fire-I'lal HI 7-0575 jplsce central heating copper plumb- aluminum sash Youngstown extra 7 miles from Kivr dam site SJ Beiict Rt 5 Box OKO- $250 DOWN To Qualified Vet 6 rm New 10 730 select H1 -I- FXR rI Kquity Hll)-wood I Park Dit room modem Mr I Hanson Hr-312 i8079i HI7-S2M or GI3-10K Agt $850 DN $75 Mo 7 Rm I Arre Clean Must sell Colonial Acre Dial HU 4-1)617 Agt Acre' OPEN Tonight 7 To 9 2131 "3td St 6 rms onlv $10 500 Md bung in immw cond Close ln Mr Briggs HI 7 4462 Agt 1 8053 1 40x81 lot Call Mr MeckfesseU GI 3-5267 Agt 4786) by owner ewlv redecorated 6 i home (e loan Sell equity Open to offers HI 7-4739 Park Disl 5 Rm Homs Plus! idditfnna! brdroom base- jOAK 2 adl ill Mi A 1 )xti tew ms tea tew sew ment Garage $7950 Terms if desreil Owner HI 7-4263 Tile Bath a 1 I NKW Rdrm Homr wthairpd nsul hdw nraJndsepd tned $1500 eqtv GI ft FHA Own' 5939 58th Frtrdge Mnr HI 6-2879 TAHOE PARK 2 Bdrm Home Fire- dining area detached ga- rage Low Jlinn dosti Dial HI School HI 7-1280 3324 45th tr must sell ft'l price $6500 GI 3-57 Eves HI 7-9766 SYDNEY WALL REALTOR ON RESTRICT ED Bdrm bdrm $4 675 bdrm $120001 Several other to choose from Dial HI 9-0308 or HI 7-4750 Agt vd fned $i000 dn Owner HI b-03ns or Hi 7 -750 UNRESTRICTED Practically new Beaut 9 Bdrm home Gar hdwd tue charm bat Excep neichbrhd of new hme One of the better dist HU 4-333-3 Agt ELMHURST DISTRICT 4 ty rm home attached garage full basement Extr lot Enclosed patio that is th show ptae of Sacramento Owner 2130 48th 6t UNRESTRICTED 2 bedroom home large living room lovely kitchen Close to everything Call Ty'or HI 7-3533 MOSS ft MOSS RLTRS 913 Sth St I 3-2596 NEAT 5 Rm Stucco With Hdwd and tile Fenced corner ioL A-l FHA builL A bout 3 old Oniy 10501) EZ term Inal HI eve HI 7-5789 Agent 6-8814 RIVER PARK New Rm Dettrhed garage patio Near transports lion 811250 Large new 5 rm rear laving rm entry halt stsit shower 1 2000 Other house 9950 io 14 Mm area CaM A1 Bender HI 6-4493 or GI 3-421 AgL 1 i i (11 A itie Feather cash St Fan Franrisis) iZone 14 1 Dial HI 6-5360 WANT A HOME In The HiD? Eirht acres of pine oak 5 room hu convenient comfortable 2 we'is douh'e garage tool shed chicken house Frkness recessita'e Reawinahe near school church s'ores se Rt 1 Box 1436 COtFAX Cat Phene An- hum 48J11 I FOR Home Fe'tnm rlv 6 miles from Santa Cruz Has dice bedroom ercloed e'eeping porch modern bath stall ehoOer farce living room stone firepace In eTuitndge Shopping Center 5653 Storklon Blvd HI 5-2608 Ultra modern tiled kitchen and hath Separate breakfast area Thermostat controlled furnace Abundance of -inset thruout 2 car garage J)eauti- fU rear vard and landacapirg Call' Open Tonight 7 Ti! Dark 301 LOUIS WAY (Between SOth and diet Ft 1 a iMr Purus HI 4-1730 LE Y-A RG AN REALTY 1607 Street GI 3-900 off fnljiom B'v4 corner of St) 3 BEI'ROOM HOME t- hath Breezewv Detrhed 2' car garage $13950 FHA term DeCUlR Owner-Builder Dial HU 4-2904 OPEN FOR INSPECTION RIVER PARK 5600 CARLBON DRIVE Well designed with every appointment including garbage disposal electric ventilator exceptional kitchen all large rooms 3 bedrooms fenced lawn Also inspect 5700 BHEPARD 561 pe: CIN8 OWNER Agt HURST SPECIALS No 1 A very attractive 3 bedrm 2 baths! Fxtra Iiv tm hardwl firepl dbie gar pvrox 1504) sq ft of resl home! Exterior is brick -shake rede eel stucco comb No 2 A grsnd spacious bedrm lust a little amaiier than No I hut of parramento OPEN TILL 6 DAILY AMERICAN HOMES CO Dial HU 1-0345 OPEN EVERT TUEF WED THUR3 7-9 RANDOLPH PARKS NEW BROADMOOR ESTATES 19 Two Bedroom and Den Homes MODEL HOME 3012 EL AMINO AVE Jark Hollos av Agt IV 9-4 157 -Of 3-7461 FREEPORT VILLAGE New 2 3 bedroom hoire reenre nipietton located near Hoiivwood compl- Park are Close tn bu line Cho re of coior ihroushvvst Sifel sh wn-dow garage d'sooaal front lawn Priced from 8200 to 9 Ooo Includ-ibz street saseeaments FHA financing from $1700 down call Mr Fernand ex HI 6-2421 or Mr Brown GI 2-4883 for further Infor or daya FERNANDEZ 1716 26th Ft HI 7-4511 4521 FRANCLS COURT fireplace nicely decorated in! perfect condition inside and 1 out Double garage Fenced and landscaped yard Cft to schools transportation snd stores Choice location In a restricted East Del Paso Heights subdivision of nice homes Call Mr Feiiing eves HI 9-1114 Davz our office HI 9-2 59 WOODLAffS INVESTMENT CO 1219 Del Pssn Blvd WILL PAY CASH For Your Used 825 to 82000 on Auto-Fural-i home Eugene Wllttams Reai-- tor iS04 StreeL Gl 2-6919 from GROCERY And Melt Market iwwvn- town Yountville Steadv veterans Dowm trade and a good migratorv busi-! ness now crossing about 4 4 60) a month Rent $75 month on 1 to 4 rear lease Includes much equipment Remsinder of equipment good will and leasehold (or $20K) We know how to set) your husmes TEMP REAL ESTATE HI 7-5791 CASH Buyers Waiting For Your Busi-i ness Dial HU 4-S511 day or HI 6-7312 eve AgL WAITED TO WE Aft ESTATE tl CASH For Your Property Or Equity i '4- Call Mr Busev GI Quick deal 2-5473 2 BEDRV Hrme Of Cite Nr trsnsp No down but will pay $100 mo HI 7-4176 DO YOU Want To Sell Your Ranch Then call Lynn GI 3-3516 or HU 4-4495 Broker HAVE Clients For Home $500 To $1200 to pay down Cor Jme Bkr 1518 20th St GI 3-8682 ONE WEEK To Sell Your Property city or country MILLER ft Har-RIGAN Dial GI 3-2583 WANT TO SELL Your Income Property? If the price is equitable we hay the buyer Bloomoerg Realty 'rt'i -33 eve GI 3-6532 dav GI 3 338 eves HAYK CASH Buyers For Home Citv suburban or country property CHARLES SMITH Realtor 2431 Stockton Blvd 1116-6)25 WANTED Home And Flat For Floe Japanese American families Get fu3 value for vour property HU 4-9)83 3-1268 BUYERS With $2 000 tn $800 down for Carmichael Town ft Country No Sacto ft Ticlnftv home Acts IV 9-2049 1 large patio all electric kitchen ntwij BDRM Fruitrldge Oakes Insul fioor furnace Almost ig acre of Weatherstripped g-awn in ft bark ALFALFA HAY Also Good Volun teer oat hsy Any amount Will deliver "Frank RL 3 Box 1168 Sacto HI 9-9510 ALFALFA HAY BALING WIRE Oat hav milo and bean seed FARMERS BEAN ft GRAIN CO GI 3-7415 lOOO 4th SL i Cor J) Llvrlfk A SappllFi 62 61'ERN Cow Large Hvv Producer Very gentle Ph 23 Folsom PALOMINO Stallion 2 Yrs Elig reg Extremely gentle IV 9-5107 REGISTERED Anru Bulls For Sale Barbarian of Hlllcrest stock Blake Glen Ellen Sonoma 3109 RErf ln Mo Old Spotted Poland rhlna Gilt Imrned sa'e or trade for cf gv 4R BOv IV 9-1028 3 MONTHS Twin Saanen Doe Kids Excellent milking stock Rrason-b'e Dial IV 9-3512 SADDLE HORSES Well Brok cattle Also 3 end 4 y- ntd McLiflh Winter 43 F3 ELK GR0V5 LIVLSTOCK AUCTION CO Sale every Thursday 3 YR Old Black Mare Ideal For borse Morgan breed Phrane 2401 DUNNIGAN or aes at BftP Auto Court FOR BALE 300 1-2-3 Tr Old Crossbred ewes Black faced buck put fn June iSth Pries $40 heed Ph GI 3-9276 Sscramento Calif 14 Square Skirted Vanco Saddle ftower checker stamp $125 LTNNARD ft THOMAS SADDLERY 1307 BL Dial GI 2-6416 I EACH COW PALACE Elk Grove Phone 151 Bales every Tutnday FOR BIGGER PROFITS Sell Your Surplus At The (SALT LIVESTOCK SALES YARD On Wednesday Jack Guthrie Auctioneer FOR SALE: 16 Guernsey ft Jersey dairy cows all good Must take all Raymond Smith Rte 3 Box 11T MARYSVILLE Calif Located Marysville leures Rica Highway i I Man Bill Lancaster Pentornei FI 107 th Street 2nd pane Co 1107 Sth gtree Floor Dili Gllbtrt 3-5 1 31 MONET TO LOAN On Anything Of Valus SACRAMENTO LOAN JEWELRY COMPANY 6th ft St REAL ESTATE LOAXS 69 Construction Or Refinancing Iati FORT SUTTER FEDERAL Savings ft Loan Association 1010 Sth SL Dial OI 3-4675 ROBERT JOSEPH I Na Cslif Losn Correspondent for THE SAN FRANCISCO BANK 812 10th St GI 2-6909 LOANS Refinancing Cash for equities trust deeds LEE NEIDEFFER 1010 Tth Street Dtai GI 2-7647 Low Interest Long Term Losn HOME COMMERCIAL RANCH No Brokerage or Appraisal Fee Apply Huartwm Dial Gl 2-3661 0 Box 959 CaUL astern state Lit Insur Ca Sarramento ground rich soil lot of herrles fruit trw n1 a variety of vece- tah'es large front lawn flowers and shrubs Home ls out in the sun Ground all level Makes nice retirement place This is year round home Has nice cool tree-lined babbling brook In back of property Onlv 4 block from min Dullness district On arrival in Felton phone owner for directions to property Fe'ton 5-4597 Pric $10-500 One-third down Balance easy MOfNTlIN PROPERTIES S2Bj I NO Snake Or Poison Oak At Donner vrvhing else you would expect On easv terms Inspect or write lor particulars Armstrong Realtv- Office at lake Box 355 TRUCKFK Calif AUBURN On North Fork Dim Some mites northeast of Auburn Cabin tvpe building 50x12 porch overlooks lake Acres! hie th vear round 360 acre more or les Borne 90 arre mineral Tight go with properly AUBURN REALTY COMPANY AUBURN Telephone 348 I SO LAND PARK TERRACE Custom built homes now under construction Thre bedroom two baths central heat heavy shake roof dishwasher dlenoaall insulated steel saah windows through-: throughout out and featuring th eacetlent fioori buyer plans superior construction and ar-l STEWART REALTi chitecturai aiyle whirh distinguish 2505 Stockton Bivd HI 7-6511 all Sutter ft Hager homes For more details rail Mr Hacer HU 4-5487 iW Lovely 2 bedroom home with Beautiful Colonial home 6 rooms 2 car garage Large lot Drive by and vau will buv Irir reduce-for quirk sale now only $21500 This horns 1 tn excellent condition Term to a qualified COURT ORDERED BALK Real property commonly known 9 2601 23rd Ave Consisting of 2 bed room home 50103 lot together with all furnishings a per Inventory in office of John Stevens Real Estate Approx (2000 saah to handle Offer zublect to approval of parties Involved GI 2-2449 sve HU4-07U day Agt LOGGING TRACTORS EQUIPPED TO GO I Allls-Chslmera HD-5 Allis-Chalmera HD-7W Allls-Cbalmers HD-9 Allis-CTtsImers HD1 OW Allis-Chalmer HD19 MOORE EQUIPMENT CO INC 03 Del Paso Blvd HI NORTH SACRAMENTO 1 WftwSi.
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