Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (2024)


About the Tier List

This tier list is NOT FINAL; it will change and will be updatedas often as necessary prior and during The War Within Mythic+ Season 1. There areoften moments of tier set and class tuning, as well as talent changes andsecondary stat scaling that will impact the placement of the specs.

I am Petko, a competitive Mythic+ player, known to be pushingthe boundaries of High Mythic+ with several World first andEurope first rankings among past seasons on multiple classes. I have workedhard on preparing for Season 1 of The War Within, spending numerous hours per dayexamining each and every spec in a dungeon environment on Beta. This Tier listwill continue to be updated as much as it requires over the course ofThe War Within and it will also focus on what the "meta" will look likeas it stabilizes. Along the way, this Tier list will also be supported byvarious professional Mythic+ players with high credibility in the community,theorycrafters across all specializations, and my own empirical evidence.

To begin with, this Tier list will exclusively focus on the firstSeason of Mythic+ in The War Within. There will be noWarcraft Logs rankings addednor simulation data for the majority of the classes and specs. As a result, thisTier list will be solely based on empirical evidence of the current state of theclasses' performance in Mythic+ from my own point of view and the point ofview of the group of players testing those classes who are among the bestrepresentatives of the specs in the community. Moreover, this Tier list willtake into consideration every impactful class change and tier set tuning beforeand after the start of the season.

It is important to note that opinions might vary and that is completely okay,but remember to be respectful when providing feedback as the sole purpose ofthis tier list is to help the WoW community with their choice of main or alteach season.

This tier list is entirely based on several factors, such astank durability, group composition synergy, mobility, damage profile, self-sustainand external party-wide cooldowns.


A Final Warning


Tank Tier List for Season 1 of Mythic+ in The War Within

Below, you can find the full rankings for Tank specializations in The War Within Mythic+.We encourage you to read further and understandwhy some classes are placed lower or higher than expected, with severalfactors taken into consideration.

  1. Guardian Druid (Best choice)
  2. Protection Warrior (Excellent choice)
  3. Vengeance Demon Hunter (Excellent choice)
  4. Blood Death Knight (Excellent choice)
  5. Brewmaster Monk (Good choice)
  6. Protection Paladin (Underperforming)


DPS and Healer Class Rankings

If you are interested in our other rankings for Mythic+ in The War Within,Season 1, please click the links below.

Mythic+ DPS RankingsMythic+ Healer Rankings


Full Tank Class Rankings


Best choice

Patch 11.0.2 update: Guardian Druidreceived a decent amount of changes through the Beta cycles, paired with2 brand new Hero Talent choices - Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (1) Elune's Chosen /Druid of the Claw and a new tier set. The 2-piece will allow forMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (2) Thrash and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (3) Moonfire to increase your damage done and reduce the damageyou take by 1% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times. In addition,the 4-piece increases the Arcane damage you deal by 5% and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (4)Bleeddamage by 8%.

Guardian Druid did receive some attention in the early stages ofThe War Within, for better or worse, only time will truly show. Theirdamage profile against many enemies is one of the highest, and so is theirdurability. There are a lot of spec-specific talents that do not fit wellwith Guardian Druid and are considered a "burden." In addition, theirversatile utility can tackle any situation, as both offensive and defensively supportyour team. All that considered, the bears are in a commanding position to be one ofthe best tanks of the season, despite its rotational flaws.



Hero Talents are quite boring (so is your rotation), mostly passive, and do not have a massiveimpact on the gameplay. Talent positioning is a significant issue for Guardian Druidboth in the spec-specific and general tree talents.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (5) Mark of the WildIncreasing the Versatility of your raid/partyby 3%.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (6) Entangling RootsSingle-target root effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (7) After the WildfireExtra off-healing.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (8) InnervateAllowing 1 friendly healer to castspells without spending mana for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (9) Stampeding RoarIncreasing the movement speed to all raidmembers by 60% for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (10) Remove CorruptionRemoves all Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (11)Curse and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (12)Poison effectsfrom a friendly target.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (13) SootheDispelling all Enrage Effects from anenemy target.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (14) HibernateSingle-target crowd-control effects againstbeasts and dragonkins.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (15) Incapacitating Roar / Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (16) Mighty BashYou have the choice between AoE disturb effector a single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (17) TyphoonAoe knockback.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (18) Mass Entanglement / Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (19) Ursol's VortexYou have the choice between AoE root effect orAoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location.

Guardian Druid Mythic+


Excellent choice


Protection Warrior

Patch 11.0.2 update: Protection Warriorreceived minor changes leading to the final stages of Beta. However, just likeevery specialization, they will be introduced to 2 new Hero Talent options- Colossus / Mountain Thane, and a new tier-set. The 2-piecewill trigger when your Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (20) Shield Slam cooldown is reset by Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (21) Strategist,you gain Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (22) Expert Strategist, increasing the damage of Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (23) Shield Slamby 5% and reducing all damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. In addition,the 4-piece will enable Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (24) Shield Slam critical strikes to increasethe damage dealt by Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (25) Thunder Clap and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (26) Revenge by 10%for 8 sec.

Protection Warrior is performing exceptionally well, which willsignificantly increase its damage profile, which is now considered one of thehighest across all tanks going into the The War Within expansion.Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (27) Spell Reflection is proving to be an useful utility inthe Season 1 dungeon pool, which will positively influence their rankings. On top of this,they will be receiving some nice quality-of-life changes such as no longer being damagedand punished by running Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (28) Defensive Stance and the Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (29) Storm Shield + Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (30) Intervenecombo. Additionally, with the strength of melee characters,Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (31) Battle Shout is looking much more appealing. Overall, Protection Warriorhas a great offensive and defensive profile, making it a promising choice.



As always, Protection Warriors may suffer if anything cannot beblocked or reflected. Although their utility and mob control have never been considered the best,they make up for it with their raw power in terms of damage and survivability.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (32) Rallying CryTemporary increasing the health of your raid/party.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (33) Battle ShoutExtra 5% attack power.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (34) Spell ReflectionUsable in niche situations.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (35) Intimidating ShoutAoE disturb effect capped at 5 targets.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (36) Storm Bolt4 sec single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (37) ShockwaveAoE Stun

Protection Warrior Mythic+


Vengeance Demon Hunter

Patch 11.0.2 update: Vengeance Demon Hunterreceived their fair share of changes, paired with 2 brand new Hero Talentchoices - Aldrachi Reaver / Fel-Scarred and a new tier set.The 2-piece enables Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (38) Soul Cleave to deal 15% increased damageand have a 35% chance to shatter 1 Lesser Soul fragment froma target it hits. In addition, the 4-piece triggers once consuming a Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (39) Soul Fragment,increasing the damage and healing of your next Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (40) Fel Devastation by 2%up to 30%.

The Most recent consecutive buffs to Vengeance Demon Hunter have placedthem in a much better state, due to their incredible synergy with the current toptier DPS specs (caster-comp / exodia-comp), as well as havingone of the strongest damage outputs compared to the rest of the tanks.They have lost their amazing tier set from Season 4 of Dragonflight andreplaced it with a much inferior version of the tier set, which will make theirgameplay and maximise its potential a lot harder to extract. On top of that,their Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (41) Illuminated Sigils talent (which previouslyallowed you to have one extra charge of Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (42) Sigil of Misery / Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (43) Sigil of Silence),has been nerfed, but they will still have one of the best mob control across any tanking spec.In addition, their defensive profile does need a bit of love to be a truly irreplaceabletank across any key level in Mythic+. Overall,we believe that if the DPS meta favours magic damage, they will have a much bigger incentive to betaken due to Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (44) Chaos Brand, which provides a noticeable damage boost for theentire group, and likely become the best tank spec.



There are quit a few bugs that surround Vengeance Demon Hunter thatultimately increase their survivability / self-sustain of the spec. Thisfurther improves their great Mythic+ performance and we hope thatgets to be resolved soon.


Utility Package

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (45) Chaos Brand5% extra Magical damage
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (46) Darkness% chance to avoid all damage from an attack.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (47) Sigil of SilenceSilences all enemies affected by the Sigil fora short time.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (48) Sigil of ChainsAll enemies affected by the Sigil are pulledto its center and snared.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (49) Chaos NovaAoE stun effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (50) ImprisonSingle-target out of combat crowd-control.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (51) Consume MagicRemove 1 beneficial Magic effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (52) Sigil of MiseryAoE disturb effect.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Mythic+


Blood Death Knight

Patch 11.0.2 update: Blood Death Knightreceived a ton of changes since the start of the Beta testing and just like everyspecialization so far, inherited 2 brand new Hero Talents - Deathbringer /San'layn and a new tier-set. The 2-piece will trigger once you have one or morecharges of Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (53) Bone Shield, the damage you take is reduced by 2%. Losinga Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (54) Bone Shield charge has a chance to reduce the damage you take by an additional1%, up to 3% for 6 sec. In addition, the 4-piece allowsyour damage to be increased by 1% per active Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (55) Bone Shield charge. Takingdamage while below 6 Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (56) Bone Shield charges has a chance to generate 1-2Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (57) Bone Shield charges.

The rework of Blood Death Knight has put them in a prominent position to beone of the best tanks this season as it most definitely strengthens their durability,self-sustain and damage profile by a large margin. On top of that, they will begetting a brand new utility, from the general Death Knight talent tree,which fits perfectly for a 5-man content - Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (58) Vestigial Shell. In addition,one of their signature spell - Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (59) Gorefiend's Grasp has much better positioningin the new Blood Death Knight spec-specific tree and is further supplementedby Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (60) Tightening Grasp (if you talent it) which allows for a 3 sec of silence.Although you got some recent nerfs, we are extremely happy with the current version ofspecialization, since it already plays better and is stronger than its old Dragonflight version.




Utility Package
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (61) Anti-Magic ZoneProvides extra durability against heavy magical damage.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (62) Death GripRepositions an enemy of your choice.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (63) Raise AllyCombat-resurrection.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (64) Blinding SleetAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (65) Abomination LimbEvery 1 sec an enemy is pulled closeto you.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (66) Gorefiend's GraspMass-grip.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (67) Insidious ChillReduces the auto-attack speed of your target by5% stacking up 4 times.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (68) Control UndeadMind-control an undead enemy to fight on your side.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (69) Asphyxiate5 sec single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (70) Vestigial ShellAdding Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (71) Anti-Magic Shell on 2 nearbyallies.

Blood Death Knight Mythic+


Good choice


Brewmaster Monk

Patch 11.0.2 update: Brewmaster Monkreceived a ton of changes leading to the The War Within expansion, including2 brand-new Hero Talents - Master of Harmony / Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (72) Shado-Pan anda new tier-set. The 2-piece bonus will enable Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (73) Blackout Kick andMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (74) Keg Smash to deal 20% additional damage, and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (75) Shuffle alsogrants 3% damage reduction. The 4-piece bonus will trigger once you castMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (76) Blackout Kick, increasing your damage dealt by 1% for 15 sec,stacking up to 3 times, and has a chance to reset the cooldown ofMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (77) Keg Smash and make its next cast cost no energy.

Brewmaster Monk is entering The War Within with one of the highestdamage profiles across all tanks and an improved durability profile. On top of thealready good mob control, they still sync best with a physical damage-oriented squaddue to their Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (78) Mystic Touch debuff. Overall, playing Brewmaster Monk willbe easier than in Dragonflight as a lot of button bloating has been cleared,which is a welcome change. We are happy with the current performance of the specand we look forward see them develop through the Season 1.



Works well with a heavy physical damage-oriented team (Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (79) Mystic Touch)and a lot less with a full magical squad. Similar position as the Protection Warrior,if melees were to be meta, those 2 specs would climb much higher.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (80) Mystic Touch5% extra Physical damage for your raid.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (81) Leg Sweep3 sec stun effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (82) Tiger's LustRemoves all roots and snares.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (83) Ring of PeaceIt can be used to help your tank kite and as aAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (84) DetoxRemoves all Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (85)Poison and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (86)Disease effectsfrom the target.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (87) ParalysisSingle-target disturb effect.

Brewmaster Monk Mythic+




Protection Paladin

Patch 11.0.2 update: Protection Paladinreceived their fair share of changes leading to the The War Within expansion, includingbrand new Hero Talents - Templar / Lightsmith, and a newtier-set. The 2-piece bonus increases the damage of Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (88) Shield of the Righteousby 10% and grants 3% damage reduction. Additionally, the 4-pieceenables Holy Power abilities to increase the damage and healing you deal duringyour next Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (89) Avenging Wrath by 0.5%, which can stack.

As with almost every specialization so far, Protection Paladin has receivedits fair share of changes, including a choice between Lightsmithor Templar Hero Talents, both of which will alter how you approachyour gameplay, ability, and cooldown usage. The spec's durability is decent butnot strong enough to compete with the rest of the tanks while still maintaining their unique(and sometimes overpowered) Mythic+ utility. However, their damage profile is quiteimpressive, and it is one of their strongest assets. Just like everyPaladin spec, they will not benefit from Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (90) Retribution Aura asit has been recently removed. Overall, we expect further changes to be made to Protection Paladin,specifically ones that increase the fun factor of playing while further enhancingtheir durability.



Significantly more difficult to play compared to most of the tanks. However, you havemany tools to support your team if needed. If you are a beginner player, becautious when choosing Protection Paladin as it is quite an advanced tank.Further tuning is needed, especially on behalf of their durability.

Utility Package
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (91) Avenger's ShieldExtra interrupt option that has a follow-upsilence effect.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (92) Devotion AuraPermanent 3% group/raid-wide damage reductionaura.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (93) Hammer of JusticeA powerful single-target 6 sec stun effect.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (94) Lay on HandsHeals a member of your party/raid to full health.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (95) IntercessionCombat-resurrection
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (96) Blessing of SpellwardingGranting magical damage immunity for 10 secon a chosen ally.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (97) Blessing of SacrificeHelps a single member of your raid in acritical situation. This can be further improved by talentingMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (98) Sacrifice of the Just.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (99) Blessing of ProtectionPhysical immunity, which can help you withsome boss encounters.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (100) Blessing of FreedomImmunity to movement impairing effects.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (101) Repentance / Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (102) Blinding LightYou have the option between single-target crowd-controleffect or a powerful mass AoE stop.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (103) Cleanse ToxinsRemoves all Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (104)Poison and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (105)Disease effectsfrom the target.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (106) Turn EvilBe able to fear any Undead, Aberration orDemon, which is an additional form of crowd control.

Protection Paladin Mythic+



  • 21 Aug. 2024: Fully Updated for Season 1 of The War Within.
  • 02 Jun. 2024: Reviewed and updated based on the most recent class changes.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed and update dfor 10.2.7 Patch.
  • 23 Apr. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 4.
  • 25 Mar. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.6 Patch.
  • 12 Mar. 2024: No changes needed.
  • 28 Jan. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.5 Patch.
  • 18 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 04 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 12 Nov. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 05 Nov. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.2 Patch.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.1.7 Patch.
  • 22 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 09 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 25 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 17 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 27 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 06 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 23 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
  • 07 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 01 May 2023: Fully Updated for Season 2 of Dragonflight.
  • 21 Mar. 2023: Updated based on the most recent changes for 10.0.7. Patch.
  • 04 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based .
  • 14 Feb. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
  • 25 Jan. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.5 Patch.
  • 21 Dec. 2022: Further Adjustments based on the latest class changes.
  • 18 Nov. 2022: Updated with the initial iteration for Season 1 of Dragonflight.

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Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.2 / Season 1) (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.