😳 Flushed Face Emoji | 🏆 Emojiguide (2025)

Speechless and shocked beyond belief? Share your current state with the Flushed Face emoji! This emoji shows a face with raised eyebrows, a small straight mouth, wide open eyes, and blushing cheeks. The color of the cheeks suggests a feeling of shame or being shaken by something, explaining why sometimes users call it the “Shy emoji,” or “shy face emoji.”

Because of the wide-open appearance of its cheeks, the Flushed Face emoji is also called the Blushing emoji, or blush face, as well. These nicknames became so popular, they prompted a surge of questions online, like, what does the blushing emoji mean?

To get a better grasp, of exactly what does the *mean, here are some of the best situations to use it. Share the blush emoticon if you just saw something so bad you wish you could unsee it, or if you’ve been hiding something for some time, and you’re suddenly caught red-handed. And to make matters worse, the person is sending you a sus emoji to show he or she is on to you!

Sometimes, the best way to get out of a sticky situation is to laugh at oneself, and the perfect emoji to depict this is the Face With Hands Over Mouth emoji. It’s also blushing, but the blushing emoji meaning is less on the serious side and comes with a touch of humor.

On a lighter note, the Flushed Face emoji may also be used during those moments when you need to look twice or think twice to process what was said or shown.

However, it isn’t always about the cheeks. Sometimes users like to call it the “Wide-eyed emoji” after the shape of its eyes. If this emoji could speak, it would probably say, “oh my God,” or “what!” or “are you kidding?”

How To Use Flushed Face Emoji On Different Platforms

The Flushed Face emoji can be freely accessed on various devices, browsers, and social media platforms. Similar to how it’s done with the other emojis, to reach the Flushed Face emoji using an Android device, you need to get to the emoji keyboard that’s either installed or built-in to your device.

The first step involves opening any communication app, tapping on its text box, and giving the comma a long press if you’re using the Gboard app, or tapping the Enter button if you’re using SwiftKey. When the Flushed Face/Blush emoji Android version you’re looking for appears, simply click on it to add it to your message. This can be applied to most Android-compatible apps.

For iOS devices, it’s pretty much the same way. To access the Shy emoji iPhone, Mac, or tablet version, just look for the emoji keyboard on any Apple compatible app installed on your device.

What makes it different, though, is that Apple’s messages app shows you words that you can replace with emoji. You just need to write your message, tap the Emoji button, wait for the words to turn orange, and then click on them to replace them with an emoji. You can do it for one emoji or more. If you want to make a collection full of iPhone face emojis blushing all around your feed, that’s absolutely achievable both ways.

However, if you’re searching for a faster process, Facebook’s got a cool trick. The instructions on how to make a blush face on Facebook are fairly simple. Go to Facebook Messenger, type [[blushingsmile]] into the chat, you’ll quickly see what you’re looking for
 the blushing face Facebook version that’s being talked about.

Speaking of shortcuts, did you know that Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system includes an emoji keyboard shortcut? Simply press the Windows key and the period button to get started. It’s got people and celebration emojis, smiley faces, and various objects, just to name a few. Of course, the embarrassed emoji keyboard shortcut version is included.

If you’re looking for variety and are sick of the same old Flushed Face emoji version, users of the instant messaging platform Discord created their own blushing Discord emoji sets and they are very creative and quite colorful! What’s more, most of these flushed discord emoji groups are compatible with nearly all platforms and social media apps. Just click or download on any emoticon to copy it to your clipboard.

😳 Flushed Face is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010.

Find many more Flushed Face Emojis at Emoji.now

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😳 Flushed Face Emoji | 🏆 Emojiguide (2025)
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